Discussion in   Events   started     12 years ago   March 09, 2013, 05:16:53 PM   by   Evolution

UO Evolution March Calendar of Events

1292 Posts
Topic :   UO Evolution March Calendar of Events
12 years ago  March 09, 2013, 05:16:53 PM

UO Evolution March Calendar of Events   We had an outstanding response to our move to a new server and ISP.  The shard is now on a superfast line, no lag and no downtime.  We now have over 3000 accts and an avg of over 100 online!  Thanks to the efforts of the dedicated players and staff who made Evo a top shard for over 2 years running!

I am going to attempt to make some consistent monthly events so that you can attend and plan your play time around these prime time activities

These are the events we have planned for March

Mar 10 5pm pst -- "Montezuma's Revenge" This event is a custom boss with unique rewards, hosted by Dante

Mar 15 7pm pst -- Klub Karma, Themed monster bash, Hosted by Zoe

Mar 17 12 pm pst -- "St Patricks's Day" This will be a unique holiday event, we will be very active all afternoon with events and gifts...you must be logged in to get a free gift bag, hosted by Dante.  Get caught wearing green items and you may get "pinched" with a special gift

Mar 23 12pm pst -- UO Evolution 2 year Anniversary Weekend with "Grand Auction" and events, hosted by Dante.  We will be giving out gift bags and special items if we break the record online!

Mar 24 10pm pst -- UO Evolution 2 year Anniversary Weekend with "Full Moon Event" This is a tamable Werewolf Event, and will be scheduled monthly on the last Sunday of each month, hosted by Dante

Weekly events

12pm pst -- New player orientation and then a dungeon stomp, walk thru dungeons and learn the basics
1pm pst -- New player Champ Spawn event, learn how to master a champion spawn with gm supervision
There are 2 random town invasions daily, times vary

Random Group Champion Spawn Events all day, times vary
There are 2 random town invasions daily, times vary

6pm -- "Poker Tournament"
There are 2 random town invasions daily, times vary

Random Group Champion Spawn Events all day, times vary
There are 2 random town invasions daily, times vary

6pm pst -- "Fight Night" Everyone is equal in this fun pvp style, great way to learn pvp!
5:30 pst -- "Bomberman" -- Hosted by Joker
There are 2 random town invasions daily, times vary

6pm pst -- "Random Events" hosted by staff

There are 2 random town invasions daily, times vary

Thank you for all of the voting this month, we ranked in the Top 3 or higher on all of the ultima top lists. Here is the new voting area on the wiki

We have had an record of 124+ players online, thanks for the marketing help! Many players have made some great youtube videos and posted our facebook site. Please follow this link and like our site

We will be cleaning up the shard and removing old accounts this month, please log in if you would like to keep your account active.

We have added a lot of content last month, please see the forum for the change log


Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

1292 Posts
#1 Re :   UO Evolution March Calendar of Events
12 years ago  March 29, 2013, 08:23:08 PM

The Easter Egg hunt started today!  Find the 9 eggs hidden in the woods all around Trammel!

When you find all the eggs, page a gm for a nice holiday Easter Basket, full of goodies!

The event is Friday-Monday:)  Enjoy the Hunt

We will also doing events on Sunday

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH