I'm not even sure I can describe the fun that was had during the Cook-Off Competition. So many things happened that I'd rather just post up some pictures and get back to it later. There was a great turnout of Chefs wanting to jump into the culinary big leagues of the Mistas Homebrew Festival Cook-Off Competition. Some walked away victorious, while others went home without their apron! (Actually they did get them back later for participating lol)
Anyways, congratulations to Trebach on winning this year's Cook-Off Competition. I have to give a special tip of the hat to Landorian for refusing to stop cooking, long after time had run out and the cows had gone home. He completed the challenge, raising his cooking to almost 40 points from nothing! Congratulations!
This year's event was sponsored by the Avatar of Gluttony, deep within the Dungeon of Sin, providing all your unnecessary needs. "There is no love sincerer than the love of food."
The Chefs had to cook/bake the items but also acquire the ingredients needed to make them. For some, it was the first time operating a flour mill.
While the Cook-Off Competition was going on, groups of pub crawling, obviously inebriated, locals began picking fights with the Chefs for looking at them funny. The farm animals suffered a worse fate.
The Chefs that were unable to finish were stripped of their aprons and hairnets, to forever contemplate why they kept overcooking that leg of lamb.
An unexpected visit from dimension jumping Gordon Ramsay, seen here making sure Leoleonardoll learned from that sauce disaster.
The finished product from one of the Chefs. Always separate the Chicken folks!