Quite soon, RSP will begin holding our own custom events. In our events, you will have the chance to win multiple great items such as armor, gold, tokens, weapons, hue room tickets, augs, socket deeds, and many more items. We intend to make these events fun, fair, and as equally matched as possible, to allow every participant a chance to win the prizes we have set for that particular event. Just like anything, the first few events we run may have some glitches but with trial and error, we expect these events to adjusted to accomodate each individual player.
Skills that may be needed in different events include:
-Taming/Animal Lore
-Combat Skills (Including Magic)
We hope to have some of these events running within the next week or 2 and we hope to see all of you there. Also, since this is a guild ran event, we reserve the right to deny access to any player and ban players from future events if they constantly act up or pk while we are holding them.