Discussion in   Events   started     12 years ago   March 04, 2013, 07:00:54 PM   by   Minos

Pet Fights

230 Posts
Topic :   Pet Fights
12 years ago  March 04, 2013, 07:00:54 PM

I†D is organizing an underground pet fighting ring. On Saturdays (tentative), we will hold a tournament style event at the Cock Fight Arena, which is located under custom areas on the moongate menu. We are considering several divisions currently and will select a couple for each event:

-Normal Pet Division: defined as any pet you can commonly tame.

-Open Division: bring your baddest, meanest, blood thirsty animals.

-Dryad Division: for those with the Druid Book, this is actually pretty entertaining. A theme will be chosen, say actresses or world leaders (past or present). Each dryad will be renamed and they will go at it. Since they randomly throw in spells, the one that appears to be losing can make a dramatic come back.

-Limited: subject to arbitrary limitations. Things such as only first generation animals, barn yard animals, any number of miscellaneous limitations in order to change things up.

You will be allowed to bless your pet, then the fight will take its natural course. The winner is determined by who calls off their pet first, or of course, the last one standing. Breeding up your pets is encouraged. If nothing else, it provides you with some replacements should you suffer any stat loss in death.

This is a no PK event and will be staff enforced should there be an issue.

Post here or contact Queen of Snow or myself in game to sign up. We also will answer any questions. Alcohol induced gambling is encouraged -- for participants and spectators alike. We want to provide the tamers/non-PVPers their own event and also have a place for a variety of non-traditional pets.

Weka Dart
7 Posts
#1 Re :   Pet Fights
12 years ago  March 04, 2013, 07:22:54 PM

Where would me and Blight's bios fit in here?

230 Posts
#2 Re :   Pet Fights
12 years ago  March 04, 2013, 07:36:25 PM

Bios crossed my mind after posting! As I have it laid out right now, they would be in the Open Division. I would need to hear your and Blight's thoughts on how a bio would fair against donation pets... the elder werewolf for example. My own experience with top end bios is limited. If there is a large contingent who want to battle their bios, we'll add a Bio Division.

108 Posts
#3 Re :   Pet Fights
12 years ago  March 05, 2013, 06:36:59 PM

Bios would have to be in its own class to be fair. All donation pets and most high lvl bred pets can defeat a bio, rather easily sadily. A Bio Division would be a fantastic addition, some of the bios have really neat specials that are quite entertaining.

230 Posts
#4 Re :   Pet Fights
12 years ago  March 06, 2013, 12:19:50 AM

Thanks for the input Blight. If we get a few people or more wanting to battle bios, I'm all for having a dedicated division for them. We'd get to see even more varieties of creatures going at it with all the mimic possibilities.

As of right now, we are considering trophies for the division winners, but I want to throw some gold out as an additional incentive for the winners. How much exactly will depend on how many people participate. Mid-six figures to a million seems reasonable for a lighthearted event.

Finally, I am billing this as a social event where all you tamers and breeders get to come in from the woodlands and dungeons and rub shoulders with each other. A chance to show off your hard work and possibly get some financial gain from it. Plus if you've got a good eye and a fast tongue, you might be able to gamble yourself some a nice pot of gold as well.

Start breeding up some odd ball pets and stay tuned for an announcement of the divisions!

230 Posts
#5 Re :   Pet Fights
12 years ago  March 08, 2013, 02:49:17 AM

The first pet battle event is kicking off this Sunday, Mar 10, at 6:00 PM EST (GMT -5:00).

Being this is our inaugural event, we will likely have a few hiccups in running smoothly. Bring any type of pet, hireling, dryad, whatever and we'll work to set up a good time for all. If there is enough attendance in any of the divisions to have a tournament, we will award gold to the winner this time around.

230 Posts
#6 Re :   Pet Fights
12 years ago  March 10, 2013, 07:17:32 PM

Thank you everyone who attended this evening. It was very enjoyable to watch. The event was run in a fight club style -- people randomly matching up on the fly. We plan to hold more in the future and perhaps will organize it into a tournament. Start breeding a future champion!

A shout out to Belgaron for bringing some bios. Hope to see more of these in the future. Also, I would like to thank Queen of Snow for making some sizable bets and fattening up my gold ledger.  ;)

Screen shots are in their own subforum: