Discussion in   Events   started     1 year ago   October 01, 2023, 10:49:04 AM   by   Evolution

OCTOBER Quests for Halloween 2023

1288 Posts
Topic :   OCTOBER Quests for Halloween 2023
1 year ago  October 01, 2023, 10:49:04 AM

>>>OCTOBER Quests for Halloween<<<

"Great Pumpkin Hunt"
See Jack Bumpkin in the center of West Britain! Halloween isn't complete without the UO Evolution annual Pumpkin hunt! https://uoevo.com/wiki/The_Great_Pumpkin_Hunt

"Pumpkin Pie!"
To start this quest talk to Randy. Randy LOVES his wife's pumpkin pies!...so much so, he is willing to give away his precious pumpkin decorations! He will part with one each day, for 200 Haunted Hallows Pumpkins!

This quest is repeatable only once each day. This quest is only active for the month of October. Quest items (pumpkins) are deleted, but if you keep any from previous years that are not removed- they will not be usable (the quest giver will not accept them) https://uoevo.com/wiki/Pumpkin_Pie!

"Spooks and Spells"
To start this quest talk to Cal. While on his way to the Witches & Warlocks Annual All Hallows Festival in Umbra he was attacked and his Ouija Boards and tarot Cards, were stolen. Search graveyards across the lands for his wares. return with 10 tarot and 10 boards.

This quest is repeatable only once each year. This quest is only active for the month of October. Quest items (ouija boards and tarot cards) are deleted, but if you keep any from previous years that are not removed- they will not be usable (the quest giver will not accept them) https://uoevo.com/wiki/Spooks_%26_Spells

"Tales From the Grave!"
To start this quest talk to Burke. He will give you a 'grave' reward for 50 Haunted Hallows Pumpkin Treats This quest is repeatable only once each day. This quest is only active for the month of October. Quest items (pumpkins) are deleted, but if you keep any from previous years that are not removed- they will not be usable (the quest giver will not accept them) https://uoevo.com/wiki/Tales_from_the_Grave

"Costume Quest"
It's NOT too late to get your costume! See Sir Dis Guise, Costume Seller South East Britain...find the costume shop!

"Trick or Treat Quest"
Find the Priest of Samhain, near the Druid encampment in Northwest Britain (Past the smithy near the road to the graveyard) and follow his instructions

"Madness Quest"
The quest giver, Professor Gerard Beckert, can be found on the third level of the Haunted Hallows. He has a dangerous quest for you...and he's offering some serious rewards IF you can prevail!

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