Discussion in   Events   started     2 years ago   September 15, 2022, 11:18:11 AM   by   Evolution

House Contest Returns in October!

1290 Posts
Topic :   House Contest Returns in October!
2 years ago  September 15, 2022, 11:18:11 AM

The Fort Auchenshuggle House Contest Returns!

Hear ye...Hear ye...

All Noble or Lowly Britannians are cordially invited to partake in the Halloween Festival of Fort Auchenshuggle!  This house building/deco event occurs on a private section of our shard far, far away. You will spend 30 days with the festival guests, monsters, ghosts, and spirits of Auchenshuggle! You will scream, cry, and surely die while building your masterpiece!  But you will love every second of it!

The Contest begins on Saturday, October 1st.  The ghastly voyage to Fort Auchenshuggle will depart from the Port of Britain in Trammel at 3 pm.  Be the first to claim your plot and begin construction of your house! Only those granted a Fort Auchenshuggle passport will have access to the ship and village. Those that choose not to participate, may not enter Fort Auchenshuggle.  Ever...

Important Details

Please read carefully – as some things have changed since the spring contest.

If you would like to participate in the event but will be unable to attend the 3 pm launch on Oct 1st, you will need to contact me before the event and let me know.  This event was very popular in the spring and the plots are limited.  We ran out of plots for the last contest.  
You can only play one account. This not a group event, but everyone in your guild may decorate their own house.  Only a single participant per plot – you are on your own.

This is an “old school” house decorating contest.  If you are not willing to farm, craft, and build the old-fashioned way, this contest is not for you. So...serious participants only! 

Because there are many Halloween activities occurring during October, we have created a way for you to leave your main character in Trammel to participate in all of the other fun events.  For this house contest, everyone will make a new character with zero skills.  Once you enter the Fort, I will give this character maximum skills so they are able to harvest, challenge the mobs, and craft gear and items for your house.  This character will not be able to leave the Fort for the 30 days of the contest, not even with the “I am stuck” option.   At the end of the 30 days, all skills will be returned to zero on this character and you can either keep it or delete it.  
You will enter the Fort via a bank tile and be completely stripped of clothing and any items in your pack.  So don’t get dressed up for this voyage 😊. No formal attire needed! 

Each participant will be given an empty plot in what was formally the lovely Village of "Fort Auchenshuggle".  The creatures of the dark have made it a less welcoming environment.  But don’t worry, you will have your friends and neighbors to make your stay there less terrifying. 
You will be provided a few simple tools and a special gold ledger to begin your journey. All other resources will be obtained in the Auchenshuggle forests, mines, gardens, and town.  You will be required to build and decorate your house with only the tools and resources available. You will farm the lands, craft your gear, fight and loot the mobs, steal some treats, and build and decorate your home as the ancient Britannians once did.  
Occasionally special items will spawn.  Some are free to take...others may require your thieving skills.  Beware...the forests, although appear magnificent and beautiful, are not free of danger.  Many ghouls and ghost await your company.

A few other rules and tips:

•You do not need an additional house slot to participate in this event – no matter how many houses you currently own. 
•Although this is a PVP zone, no PVP will be permitted on these lands during the contest.
•You MAY, share items that you acquire at the fort with fellow participants, but... Your kindness may cost you ... there can be only ONE winner!
•You may not complete daily tasks with this character.
•You may not accept “Vet Rewards” on this character.
•If you donate to the shard, your donation items will not be delivered to this character
•If you accept a house and no progress is shown each week, you will risk being removed from the contest.  At the closing of the contest, all completed houses will be moved to a public area in Tram for player voting.  Incomplete houses will not be entered. 
•If your account has a house slot available, you will be given the option of keeping your house when the event is over.  Possibly in lands where houses do not currently exist! 

The Prizes...

1st Place - 750 Market Dollars, 200 Game tokens, 3 Reward keys and a Participation bag
2nd Place - 500 Market Dollars, 100 Game tokens, 2 Reward keys and a Participation bag
3rd Place - 250 Market Dollars, 50Game tokens, 1 Reward key and a Participation bag

All participants will receive a participation bag, an event key and weeks of stress and nail-biting for almost nothing!   

Please message Sayla directly with any questions. 

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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