Hello Everyone,
I will be doing a Fishing Event for the month of December. Its very simple, go out and fish up big fish. When you have the fish you want to enter into the contest, contact me and I will log your name and the weight of your fish. Make sure that throughout the month you work on getting the biggest one you can. I will only enter your name and your fish once. So I will always ask if you are sure its the one. I wont take the "you should have seen the one that got away".
At the end of the month, I will announce who has won. There will be three prizes for the largest fish. First place will be 250 ED's, second place will be 150 ED's, and third place will be 100 ED's.
If there should be a tie on weight, there will be a fish off, and the first person to catch a big fish wins.
Good luck and watch out for those critters on the high sea's.