Discussion in   Events   started     11 years ago   December 17, 2013, 10:59:35 AM   by   Keldon

Event ideas

223 Posts
Topic :   Event ideas
11 years ago  December 17, 2013, 10:59:35 AM

I would like to get suggestions from players on what kinds of events would you like to see?

I am going to have some more free time in the future and I would like to lay out some different types of events.  For example I did a dragon event the other morning where players followed me out into the woods as they encountered various stronger and stronger dragons.

Post your ideas and who knows what the future might bring!

5 Posts
#1 Re :   Event ideas
11 years ago  December 17, 2013, 04:07:32 PM

I think it would be cool to have a HUGE maze with mobs in it. Trick to it is there are two or four teams {preferably) and they have to get to the center to fight a boss mob. though the only way to get to the boss mob is to kill 4 creatures at dead ends of the maze to get a key to open the center room. All items the participants have will be taken away and given new items to use in the arena by the host. At the end the main boss drops some sort of item along the lines of hue room ticket, ed or arts. Hope that sounds reasonable and fun!

36 Posts
#2 Re :   Event ideas
11 years ago  December 18, 2013, 02:13:55 PM

I liked the dragon event, it was fun and a bit different from the champ spawn events that we see regularly. I like both types, but I think a bigger variety would be great. One thing I would like to see is events that involve crafting somehow. Champ events are probably not super fun for people who focus on crafting. I'm not sure there are that many people who focus on crafting since everyone can do everything here, but there might be!

Maybe a quest where you have to mine up and create X number of weapons and armor suits in order to outfit an armor. You go to somewhere and there is a general there. He says the group needs to create 50 armor suits and 50 swords made out of X material. So there's a special mine there and you have to coordinate. So a few people will mine then deposit the ingots some place, then others would start crafting.

That's all I got for now.

730 Posts
#3 Re :   Event ideas
11 years ago  December 18, 2013, 02:45:37 PM

  I was new, still new to be honest, to this server. When i first began, here, I loved the events that I got to participate in. However, there have been several times that I have not enjoyed events which I've attended. This was mainly due to the  lack of rewards given.

  An event requires participation, and incentive broadens the list of who will join, and enjoy, the events which you've spent much, or little, of your time in preparing, Keldon.

  Sometimes new participants, or new players to the server, don't know what to do, during an event. Other times those new players try as hard as they can, but fall short due to lacking in appropriate equipment. Then there are still others who just don't win, even though they kept trying. Whatever the situation is; some form of, minimum, incentive should be given out to all participants in an event.

  Perhaps a, minimum, form of incentive is a check for 10k to 25k gold.

I'm sure there will be nay sayers; expressing themselves along the lines of: why should you be PAID to do an event.

I believe you shouldn't be [paid] for participating in an event, but should be given a minimum form of incentive. Why do any of us log in and go to any number of dangerous places or into dark dungeons?

The answer is very simple, 'Incentive'. In every dungeon there is some form of minimum incentive.  These minimum forms of incentive, at least found in most dungeons, are usually: gold, rare/powerful items, resources, & often death.

  In closing, my idea here is to add some form of minimum incentive for doing events.

Thanks for reading, be well all; especially you Keldon.

36 Posts
#4 Re :   Event ideas
11 years ago  December 18, 2013, 03:00:23 PM

I agree Sturger. There is really little incentive for new players do the champ events, but there have been several recently that catered to new players. Sometimes only new players are allowed, and the GM will help them if necessary. I think those are awesome, but aren't as frequent. So maybe more events like that, which have a higher chance for the new players to get gear. As far as champs go, they die so far when older players are there that often you never get a chance for anything.

It's still tokens and gold, so it's not too bad, but getting a chance for scrolls, weapon level deeds, etc is really why you go. I can farm gold/tokens anywhere, but I can't solo champ spawns, so the events could address that for newer players.

5 Posts
#5 Re :   Event ideas
11 years ago  December 23, 2013, 04:59:26 PM

I suggest combining your mindset of needing new player events with others who are not capable of champ spawns. Think of a mini-game or maybe even something as simple as a puzzle game for keldon to work on. I too am new but I know there are other events for newcomers such as reindeer hunt or bane and jokers random events they have for everyone that are not PvM or PvP.

12 Posts
#6 Re :   Event ideas
11 years ago  December 24, 2013, 10:52:12 AM

How about a pet fight club,  you seperate them into weight classes and players can bet on the fights.  No heals or cure they just go at it,  all about how you used the points or the breeding :-D  and you can even have low level fights for new players. And unlimited class of tamed or bio mix fights :-P   maybe have a betting stone for pre scheduled fights.  Give a new reason to have pets and push more interest in breeding and bioengineering.
They wouldnt be quick events but it would be fun.

238 Posts
#7 Re :   Event ideas
11 years ago  January 21, 2014, 05:58:45 PM

-Regular automated PVP tournaments with a betting stone for spectators.
-PVP fights with temporary GM provided gear so new players can fight vets.
-Pet fights like Tpol said would be really cool. could use pet slots as the weight classes.
-Monster Bashes are fun. town invasions are pretty much the same thing but it would be cool to have one that is hosted by a GM with more difficult mobs.
-some kind of obstacle course puzzle or maze type of thing with a prize at the end.
- Gm hosted poker event. could be a monthly thing and prize could be WSOP bracelet for that month. trophy to show off or use for house deco. add luck on it :D
- last man standing pvm survival event.
-Scavenger hunt mixed with UO trivia to hint the item locations.
-A hunger games type event but geared towards PVM. start out naked and collect gear to advance through the dungeon.

8 Posts
#8 Re :   Event ideas
10 years ago  April 18, 2014, 04:31:37 AM

So far i have seen alot of very nice houses. maybe we could do some kind of deco events? maybe holiday based or theme based. maybe even architecture competitions as well.

Lord Rahl
33 Posts
#9 Re :   Event ideas
10 years ago  May 26, 2014, 01:17:40 AM

I've alwase loved story line events.

Maybe mondain can come back as a lich but to defete him we have to goto war! this can lead to multipul events that range thought the maps ultimately ending in a huge battle that the whole shard has to help with!

Prizes for all, not huge ones but ALOT to insure all get some. simple stuff like +1 levels magic cloth deeds 1k token checks white belts. but plenty for everyone to atleast get 2-3 items.

I could make up some nice storylines events..