Discussion in   Compliments to Staff and Shard   started     4 years ago   February 06, 2021, 03:17:58 AM   by   Easy Money

To all Uo Evolution staff

Easy Money
1 Posts
Topic :   To all Uo Evolution staff
4 years ago  February 06, 2021, 03:17:58 AM
Last edited on February 06, 2021, 03:23:38 AM

Does anyone remember September 24 1997? Some should, some wont, others is probably looking at the screen like “What are you talking about”? Well I tell you what I’m talking about, on that day the game we call Ultima Online was born. Here it is almost 24 years later and it is still going. Most game like this or in general would have burnt out already but not this one. And believe it or not there are players out there that started back in 97 that are still playing. But not me no my journey began in June of 1999. I can still remember waiting anxiously for the game to install on my machine. And I still remember watching the intro movie and thinking this is going to be and awesome game. Yeah I can honestly say I have had a lot of good times, and a lot of bad times in this game. Yep you could say I had quite the journey. But that’s enough about my journey. Believe me I could read a book about my whole journey in Uo. But I rather talk about Evolution, no I don’t mean the Evolution of mankind I mean Uo Evolution. 

 Ultima Online has evolved a great deal over the past two decades, from a single player game to a mass online multiplayer game. But that still isn’t the evolution I’m taking about, No the Uo Evolution I’m speaking of is a player run shard that just celebrated its 10th anniversary. What makes this shard different from the others out there? In my opinion the staff is what makes it different. Why you shaking your head you don’t believe me? Well let me see if I can explain why I think the way I do.

I have called this shard my home for the past five years well almost five years. I have seen a group of people very dedicated to this shard and its players. Now keep in mind what I said at the beginning, “I have played this game since 99”, so the game itself isn’t new to me just the features of the shard. I was amazed to say the least at all the work that went into the custom places, monster, animals, etc. Then I got to noticing how hard the staff was working to bring the players events daily, and new content weekly, and fixing bugs that are bound to come up with a game such as this. All for players like myself that love to sign in and escape my reality. One major thing that I was so thankful to see on this shard is, it’s kind of balanced between solo players [me] and players that prefer a group. Trust me I have played shards that if you didn’t have tons of friends or least people you could get alone with you wouldn’t get very far. I know some of you are screaming at the screen, “What’s wrong with that” all I can say is that’s just me and if you try to figure me out, it would probably end up with you in a Straight jacket in some padded room beating your head against the wall. But back to Evolution and it’s staff. I could spend all day writing about the great things about this shard and its staff but I won’t. I would like all the players that read this it doesn’t matter if you been here one day or 10 years if you feel the same way I do please join me in saying Thank You!! To the staff of Uo Evolution for their hard work and dedication to US!                                                            Thank You!!

Here comes the money