Having played on the OSI shards for years (1997 til 2005) doing everything from running a PK guild on BAJA to helping new players entering the world of UO, I soon tired of all the drama. My husband and I then thought of starting our own shard which we did for a short amount of time (about 6 months) with little custom items throughout some nice scripts. With work, family and military obligations this was to much and we began playing on free shards. We have played on 7 different free shards, some we were there for a few months and others only a few days. This shard has been the most fun, with the most friendly staff, helpful players and best custom items we have seen. It did not take long before we felt at home among all of you here on Evolution and do not plan on leaving. Thank you all for the wonderful Evolution experience and for all your help in welcoming my family and I to the shard. For any of you new players out there, I can honestly say that there is no other shard out there that compares to this one.