I feel like I should give a shout out to the people who own and run this shard. You guys have nailed it squarely on the head for customer satisfaction. I kid you not, OSI and any other wannabe successful UO shard should log in here and pay close attention to how you all handle your players and the players wants/needs and wishes. It seems lost on even the official server..... Players want what? hahahahaha sure, we`ll look into it, thats if your (super)lucky enough to even get a response!!!
You guys are present daily, interact with your players daily and bring out loads of fresh content all the time. I really hope you all are proud of yourselves for the shard and the enjoyment you provide your players.
I was so frustrated and angry at the official game, I grew to detest it due to their in-action on things that need attention and general apathy toward the game and their players. I jumped around to other free shards just to play a few months and leave after that same ole apathetic feeling came back due to mismanagement by staff... or no management at all.
My jumping around has been officially stopped. I can`t think of another place I wanna spend my free time. I have been here roughly 2 months and I feel like I haven`t even scratched the surface yet. A game thats what, 20 years old? Is made fresh,new and exciting by great, GREAT people like Kane/Dante/Domino and anyone else who is involved(I might not be aware of) in making this shard such a joy to log into.
So a very sincere THANKYOU to all who are involved. Keep doin what your doin,it is so much appreciated.
So heres to a very long future on the best damn shard I have ever played on. Cheers!