Hi hi,
I would suggest an idea to add some XP Weapon Deed who would drop on champ monster or champ himself instead or in complement of the rose skill deed.
It can take several form :
-Big XP deed 5000xp, rare drop from champ (trammel ?)
-1000xp rare drop in backpack from champ or boss (gem dragon, slasher of the veil, ancient dragon, etc...)
-500xp rare drop from dojo mobs (samurai, temple priest, yamabushi, monk)
-200xp rare drop from last wave of champ mob
-100xp from champ wave 1-3 and world artifact loot.
It will help to raise mono target weap levelable and give the possibility to peacefull people to have high end weap by themself.
Sorry to typo and grammar, non native.