You are right when you say that the virtues need added life. However, I am unsure that high end gear is what needs to be that umpfft.
I escort a lot, cause it is rather simple, and it gives some gold. The Compassion virtue bonus allows me to resurrect others and grant them up to 80% life. That's nice and all for groups and guild events, but it really is useless to the player. I imagine this is why few players actually escort, past there first month or so.
I feel two custom features should be added to the virtue bonus.
1) NPC's should grant a discount percentage, per tier gained. [up to 30%]
2) Escorts should grant more gold, per tier acquired. [up to 2--5k]
A lot of other things should be changed as well when considering Virtues, including Compassion, but I'll post my thoughts on that later.