Discussion in   Suggestions   started     10 years ago   July 13, 2014, 05:37:11 PM   by   Meta

Virtue System

238 Posts
Topic :   Virtue System
10 years ago  July 13, 2014, 05:37:11 PM

Lets bring some life to the virtue system.

Virtues items with stats that meet the Evo standard:

Compassion Robe - Escorts and saving prisoners. Escorts should have an HP boost and need to be escorted deep into dungeons and must be kept alive. The mobs guarding their prisoner should be challenging.

Honesty Gloves - Turning in rares, incorporate crafting somehow (crafting is an honest living)

Honor Chest - Honoring a set number of mobs

Justice Weapon - Killing Reds, would require beheading the murderer and turning in the head to a guard.

Sacrifice Talisman - Accumulated deaths, or number of self rezzes used

Valor Crown - http://uoevolution.com/forum/index.php?topic=6565.msg17398#msg17398

These items can be freely traded between players in order to let everyone have a chance of collecting them all without being forced to play a certain way.

Would be cool is if the virtue item is collected through a gump. This gump would ask a series of questions to determine which type of stats the item will have depending on what type of player you are. Fighter, Mage, Crafter, Bard etc. Kinda like how the Ultima games start.

The intenstity of the stats should range so these paths can be taken several times in order to obtain the best items.

If all Virtue Items are equipped the player will be granted the status of "Enlightened Avatar". This status will grant the player access to new area(s).

Turning in rare items or crafted items for the Honesty virtue could be incorporated with modified versions of the Britian Library, Vesper Museum and Moonglow Zoo. The whole server base could work towards a goal that could trigger events that last days or weeks.

For example:
Moonglow zoo event- a new species has escaped the zoo and infested the island of Moonglow. This new species has a chance of being tamable when spawned and are only available during this event.

Vesper museum event- vesper get over run by proffessional thieves. hunt and kill these thieves within and around the vesper area and collect items only available during this event.

Britian Library - ideas?

730 Posts
#1 Re :   Virtue System
10 years ago  July 14, 2014, 12:49:26 PM

  You are right when you say that the virtues need added life. However, I am unsure that high end gear is what needs to be that umpfft.

  I escort a lot, cause it is rather simple, and it gives some gold.  The Compassion virtue bonus allows me to resurrect others and grant them up to 80% life. That's nice and all for groups and guild events, but it really is useless to the player. I imagine this is why few players actually escort, past there first month or so.

  I feel two custom features should be added to the virtue bonus.

  1) NPC's should grant a discount percentage, per tier gained. [up to 30%]

  2) Escorts should grant more gold, per tier acquired. [up to 2--5k]

  A lot of other things should be changed as well when considering Virtues, including Compassion, but I'll post my thoughts on that later.


49 Posts
#2 Re :   Virtue System
10 years ago  July 22, 2014, 08:11:42 AM

I haven't started this as if yet
but tamers working honor virtue:
my question is uo originally changed this virtue to allow tamers to gain honor with pet but 1/2 the gain.
How does this server work regarding honor virtue with tamers?