After refreshing my mind on what MIBS, SOS, fishing nets, and krakens, are up to these days. I figured I'd share the following thoughts, in no particular order.
I agree with you derricks2 that the number of green fishing nets is a problem. Something should be done to change things up a bit. When I have the time, I'll make sure I mention this to Kane, if he hasn't come across this post on his own, by then.
I am with Zoltan, however, on the topic of every kraken dropping a MIB. An increase in MIB drop rates might be appropriate, but that it is up to Kane, of course. Having mentioned that, I would definitely suggest to Kane that additional items of value be added to a kraken's loot table, along the lines of a fishing theme.
A coil of rope seems to always drop as loot, as well. According to my sources rope was necessary to make hitching posts; at least on OSI shards. Maybe the rope can have a new purpose as well, or maybe it will just be a once in awhile drop instead.
With Dante always trying to keep the server tidy, I'm sure he would want to look into monster loot tables, which are adding tons of unused coils of ropes and multiplying green fishing nets, and see if there is a better solution.
I liked the presentation, it was well thought out, but it is my opinion that the proposal is potentially harmful to the UOE economy. I would vote no towards it, but as I am open minded, I look forward to a rebuttal on the topic, should one arise.
I would, however, recommend that Fishing be given an update, to spread the wealth so to speak. There has to be tons of potential profit submerged under the rivers, lakes, and seas/oceans of Britannia. The difference, at least for me, is that gaining that profit needs to have a risk versus reward factor that keeps the player economy balanced.
We have a Sin dungeon, and the rewards are epic. Maybe fishing needs to have new threats/rewards to make doing it epic, is all I am saying. Though, I am not saying that new system has to be as harsh as the Sin dungeon, not even a little bit.
--Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at larger, EVO-Herald--