Lately tokens become very useless in game it wasnt like so before my idea is re-unite token stones as one big stone in city banks and getting more items added it will be more usefull for players to spend tokens lots of players has millions of tokens but cant get or do anything then bless deed or bond deed also the shops you can spend tokens are mostly new players having hard times to finding them. I appriciate every single staff member you are doing amazing jobs this idea is only for creating a economy around tokens. Because if they are not going to be used as they ment to be what is the point of having tokens . For example key storage stone , book storage stone (ı am not mentioning about cleric and druid book but full spellweawing book can be good for new players). I started as tokens but mainly ı blieve shards economy is not good lately it needs to re shaped my idea i would like to hear your ideas fellows
There was a big token exploit 6 month ago, so we stopped selling key items on stones and at auctions until we fixed the issue. We have started adding items and deco back slowly to make tokens useful again