Here are some ideas that i have had for some time, decided to write them down here. I might add more.
Bring cooking skill out of the dust. Available to crate foods and beverages that grant some form of benefits, be it time based or something else.
Maybe hunger thirst system to add little more to the economy.
Yes we have enhanced cooking and is useful, but we did remove the hunger/thirst on purpose. We have created consumables that add buffs and it is something we have worked on, just not a priority atm. Hunger was never very popular, but we may revisit in the future for consideration
Veteran rewards
Some players have been here for more than 5 years, so they should be able to have more rewarding items available for them through the reward system.
Items that can't be gotten otherwise.
Yes we have considered this now that we are at our 6 Year Anniversary! We have given out presents each year for the vets, just not through a system. Rewriting an old system, for a few players is not a good use of time and money. We are working on many projects that benefit the entire shard, rather than a small segment
More ways to earn evolution dollars
Currently it seems that most of the economy is based on ED (evolution dollars). It would add more options for new players, so they don't feel isolated and forced to donate.
No one is forced to donate, you can earn all the items in-game, with hard work and time...donations just make it faster and helps pay the expenses of running the server
Yes, everyone would love to earn more ED in game:) We do have several ways to get ED in game, but is intended to be slower. NO OTHER SHARD has ever allowed a way to earn donation dollars without donating, except for UO Evolution. Many players have never donated, but have earned plenty of ED and gold and are able to obtain everything in game
A stone to convert BOD-s
Currently there is a nice system to spend evolution coins for slot machine. There can be a stone where you can drop in your useless BOD with some coins, tokens or something else received from monsters, quest, to receive new random BOD with same number but different item kind deed.
This would enable to use hundreds of our useless BOD-s to fill those countless waiting large BOD-s to be filled.
We want you to interact with other players and swap the BODs, so probably not at this time. There is also a new Contract System that will be better and is in testing
Job boards
A marketplace where you have job boards where more advanced players can post jobs. Any player can take the job as a deed which they have a time limit to complete and then drop it in the deed stone near the job boards. Collecting resources with deeds makes it relatively easy.
Contract System will be like this, or you can use the forum to ask players to help with tasks. I do like the idea, but the New player guild already does keep new players busy with tasks to learn the shard and gather resources. The staff will discuss this
Something that can benefit lumberjacks, carpenters to make those boats move faster
If we to expand into the High Seas or adapt a custom system for ships, this may be considered, but is not a priority at this time
Party hunting bonus
This would encourage more player to player communications and teamplay to have some bonus to hunt in a party.
No sorry, we used to do this and it was highy exploited afk and with macros, so we just removed it
Add seeds for cotton, flax and vegetables. So we can grow them on world fields. Maybe place a house spot that can be a dirt field, and can be grown on to be harvested. Each pant gives 10 harvests and some skill is used to specify it. Harvest 1 at a time, then 5 at the time...
We have looked at the Harvest System and is under consideration
Thank you for the detailed questions and the input!