Discussion in   Suggestions   started     9 years ago   December 10, 2015, 05:10:24 AM   by   MisterTuggles

Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug

98 Posts
Topic :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
9 years ago  December 10, 2015, 05:10:24 AM

I've been tossing around the idea of attempting to make an alchemy suit for pvp. The main hindrance I am running into at the moment is the lack of enhance pots on items (minus ecru citrine ring/alchy bauble). I looked into the augments, but I think the socket slots makes them prohibitive to use especially seeing that the alchemy calculations to increase enhance pot cap is a bit extreme from OSI.

At the moment, with 120 alchemy, we are capped out at 80% enhance potions. **Base cap of 50%, +10% EP cap per 33 alchemy**

Now, you can increase the cap, but it comes at the cost of 33 points of Alchemy per 10% increase in the cap. Assuming a person runs an ecru citrine ring (75% enhance pot), and alchy bauble (30% EP) you would already need to stack on another 82.5 alchemy which is only able to be done via socketing. I don't believe any gear actually has +alchemy on it. So in attempting to make a "battle alchemist" set, one would already need to use 17 sockets in a complete set to bump up your EP cap to 110%.

Now, if you are wanting to go even further, lets say you want to hit 150% EP cap.... One would have to hit 335 alchemy... to do that would require the use of 43 sockets just on alchemy augs. Then you would have to burn another 8 sockets just for the EP to be raised to 150%(since no +EP on gear other than alchy bauble).

Long story short.... My suggestion would be to reduce the socket slots of +10% EP to 1, and +25% EP to 2. This would be in an attempt to free up some valuable real estate in the socket slot department since going an alchemy route essentially eats a very large majority of your sockets to begin with just to raise the alchemy skill.

730 Posts
#1 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
9 years ago  December 12, 2015, 03:33:02 PM

What about deeds that added to your +Enhanced Alchemy Bonus%.  Viable?

  Though, first, the benefits, of such changes, would have to be useful.  I'm not saying an increase isn't, but I didn't see anything posted on the subject of positives.  Sure, more HP from Greater heals, and probably more damage from Greater Explosions: but what about Agility, Strength, New potions (insert INT potion here) and the like?



98 Posts
#2 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
9 years ago  December 16, 2015, 04:50:01 PM

Well, from what I have heard, Kane is working on some new things for alchemy. I basically wanted to attempt an Alchemy bomberman pvp build, but I need to get a lot more info from the devs after the holidays as It would take an insane amount of socketing, to achieve a build that would be remotely viable (this is all based on the assumption that 33 alchemy equates to raising the overall EP cap by 10%). As it stands I am not sure that adding so much alchemy actually raises your ability to bring up the EP total cap.

26 Posts
#3 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
9 years ago  December 17, 2015, 11:14:37 AM

I can't check atm but can't you add enhance pots to a levelable EV cloak? Just a thought to add an additional 20%

33 Posts
#4 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
9 years ago  December 17, 2015, 11:22:39 AM

You can indeed add enhance pots to a evo cloak.

98 Posts
#5 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
9 years ago  December 24, 2015, 12:26:46 PM

After doing some testing, this is a moot thread now.

Something must have changed from when I remember using explosion pots, but you can only use one every 4 seconds now. It kind of completely kills the theory crafting I was doing...

New suggestion for Kane:

Allow us to chain throw explosion pots. It will still be much less effective than eval mage spamming harm, but it would allow for some fresh air to be brought into the world of PvP. Just a bunch of eval magers running around for the most part now :-/

Maybe allow us to chain three in succession, and then have a four or five second cooldown. Then allow three, then a cooldown.

275 Posts
#6 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
9 years ago  January 27, 2016, 05:47:08 AM

The levelable weapons can have enhancements added to them as well.

You could go for a bombing and poison build with the pots.  Some weapon special attacks are supposed to raise the level of poisoning skill when used as well.  Add that in with some makers, Druid spells, and Necromancer spells and it could become pretty nasty to be on the receiving end of it.

If there are levelable shields, then you could go with potion enhancements on it and your main weapon.  That would free up a bunch of slots I think.

98 Posts
#7 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
8 years ago  April 24, 2016, 11:46:38 AM

It doesn't matter much now. The entirety of the build was going to be around being able to chain toss pots. There must have been a change since now you are only able to toss one every 4 seconds.

Even if you could machine gun pots it would still be less dmg output than eval mage harm spam. I don't see this changing though as it has been a problem since forever :-) Mages are also able to heal through just about anything with the amount of +magery items out there. Yes, I am a mage hater in PvP. They are OP.

As for the poison build: The Cleric spell "Purge" removes everything. I had a very high Spirit Speak build (250+SS, was attempting full necro), and would use poison, the drain stam, and strangle. It would get cleaned right off with repurgo so that fell to the wayside as well. Also, the only remotely viable spell for damage with necro is wither. If you aren't in wraith form your mana drops so quick you can't do much of anything. All the other spells take too long to cast for low damage when compared to the insane dmg of the near insta-cast spells mages toss out. I even attempted a spirit speak/bushido evasion build. Evasion isn't 100% chance to evade so I was still getting rocked pretty hard.

 Just seems there is no real hard counter for eval mages yet. I will say that I have not played in quite a few months, and have not been keeping up on the patch notes.

53 Posts
#8 Re :   Socket slot requirement on Enhance pot aug
8 years ago  April 24, 2016, 09:52:21 PM

I heard it rumored that +Eval over a certain amount opposed +Parry. I don't know if it's true or what the effect is if it is true.