My suggestion for improving pvp necro..... I could go through all the unused spell skills and make something like this up if it would help drive some changes to the current stagnation of Mage/Sword PvP...
Necromancy: There are really only a few viable spells at the moment. I will break down the damaging spells, give pro's/con's and suggestions to make them get on par with Magery.
-Pain Spike:
Damage = (caster’s Spirit Speak – target Resisting Spells) ÷ 100 + 18 **This would equate to roughly 18 damage as 120 SS - 120 resist = 0/100 +18
Cast time = 1.0s
Mana Cost = 5
Pros: .....
Cons: Low damage for a "spike" dps spell. Damage gets healed back after x amount of time. Casting again before it wears off equates to very minimal damage
Suggestions for improvement: Remove the hp that gets added back after duration is over. Significantly increase the base damage calculation and likely cast time (think Mage's Flame Strike level). Increase mana cost on par with Flamestrike
-Poison Strike:
Damage = Do not have a base damage calculation for this. 120ss/necro on a 70's resist toon = about 17 dmg
Cast Time = 2.0s
Mana Cost = 17
Pros: Decent damage, "splash damage". It is supposed to have a % chance to inflict poison but I have never seen poison be inflicted by this spell
Cons: High Mana cost @ 17 and High Cast time for the damage. (Fireball @ 120/120/120 mage/eval/inscription hits at 11-13 on 70's with 9 mana and 1.0s cast)
Suggestions for improvements: Decrease cast time by 0.5s. Increase damage by 20%. Increase % chance to poison. If the inflict poison chance is brought to about 50%-75% chance the damage increase could be brought to only 10%. Would have to be deadly poison or based off poison/necro.
Damage = I do not have a damage calculation for this. Can not find it
Cast time = 1.5s
Mana Cost = 23
Pros: Great AOE damage
Cons: Only works on blues when red, or against reds. High mana cost.
Suggestions for improvements: Wither is an amazing spell. I do not see any reason to change it.
Damage = With 120 SS. Against a target with 70 poison resist.Against a target with 100% stamina:Avg 3 damage per tick for 12 ticks, 36 total.
Against a target with 50% StaminaAvg 7 damage per tick for 12 ticks, 84 total.
Against a target with 0% StaminaAvg 10 damage per tick for 12 ticks, 120 total.
Cast time = 2.5s
Mana Cost = 29
Pros: One of the few DoTs in game
Cons: Based off the % of target's stamina and, as we know from experience, stamina rarely dips below 99%.
Suggestions for improvements: This suggestion is actually for another spell, Dampen Spirit. Increase the cast time on Dampen Spirit to 1.5s-2.0s, double or 2.5x the amount of stam drained per tick. Purge clears dampen spirit, divine fury instantly refills stam, full refresh pots fill stam. There are a lot of work arounds to negate this spell. Increasing the cast time and stam drain brings it back into a somewhat playable state. If Dampen Spirit were made this way it would bring some viability back into Strangle and add more diversity to PvP in general.
-Vengeful Spirit:
Damage = No damage calculations can be found
Cast time = 8s
Mana cost = 41
Pros: These guys stick like glue to the target
Cons: 3 slots per summon, dispelled by Pally dispel evil and, I believe, dispel/mass dispel.
Suggestions for improvements: Not a very widely used spell in general. Maybe increase the duration or decrease the slots taken to 2. A better way would be to make it to allow 4 to be summoned at maximum but that may be hard to code. These would be used from a person playing more of a support role since an 8 second cast time in PvP is insane. Also, basing their damage off SS and chance to hit off of Necro would go a long way to help. Right now they don't do much dmg at all.
All support spells in Necromancy are pretty ok.
Evil omen is a great disrupter. I would actually like to see the cast time increased to 1.5s and the dmg % increased to 50% on next spell ONLY to effect necro spells *only if changes were made*. Another suggestion would be point blank turning this into a necro "curse" like mages have and base it off SS.
Blood Oath can help but I don't see it used very often at all. The increased dmg you take makes it difficult to mitigate especially since the healing power we have is stunted when compared to mages and hit fireball has steadily gotten way out of hand with repeating xbows, ancient nightmares, magma augments, and lower parry. I have seen a boosted fireball with someone on ancient nightmare + augs + item from auction land 70ish dmg hit fireballs from a repeater. 1.25s atk speed landing 70dmg on hit fireball activation. It is insane. Completely and utterly insane.
Corpse Skin I don't think I've ever seen this used. Most people are so over stacked on resists that the -15 fire/poison drop is never seen. Maybe change this to make fire/poison resists drop to a flat # but then it would likely be abused by mages using red dragon + fire spells.
Mind Rot has the potential to be a great spell, but the excessively low mana costs on mage spells means they never even dip below 95%. Maybe increase the % of increased mana cost to 50-75% and see where it falls.
Wraith Form and Lich Form these would be great spells if they did not change your character into a wraith/lich. Being locked in those forms makes you unable to mount.
Spirit Speak I have never seen this used. It could be ok if it were an actual spell and not tied to skill cooldowns. Would essentially need to be turned into a lesser heal like mages have.
Just my 0.02$.
I will reiterate the dampen spirit improvements here: Increase the cast time on Dampen Spirit to 1.5s-2.0s, double or 2.5x the amount of stam drained per tick. Purge clears dampen spirit, divine fury instantly refills stam, full refresh pots fill stam. There are a lot of work arounds to negate this spell. Increasing the cast time and stam drain brings it back into a somewhat playable state. If Dampen Spirit were made this way it would bring some viability back into Strangle and add more diversity to PvP in general as people would have to start watching their stam again.