I have read the wiki... but that doesn't stop me from having an opinion. Donating for a service like this is just a bad idea, IMO. Especially when Dante and staff are online regularly and run champions spawns.
I was told, when the revert happened, that the focus was on fixing old mistakes and balancing the economy. IMO, a balanced economy doesn't involve items/events, that can be loaded by a player. {Note} I have more opinion on this topic, but you will have to PM, in game, me to talk about it, as I am not trying to create a rant here.
Champion spawns are this free-shards money maker {unless that has changed in the last week, since i've been away} and allowing anyone with the time and money to just pop out a Champion is a mistake, IMO.
**Note** I can understand why the option to do so is on the wiki. Once upon a time this free shard didn't have 300+ members playing on it; so the possibility for the 20 to 40 beginning members to be friend's or even online at the same time was probably low. So adding this to the donation list was a reasonable solution to end game fun at the time.
In closing, I am not arguing for this donation option to be taken off the list; I am, however, against any additions to this feature (aside from bug fixes ).
Just one mans opinion...