Discussion in   Suggestions   started     8 years ago   January 27, 2017, 12:38:45 PM   by   Supradin

Plea: please make low level pet self breedable

6 Posts
Topic :   Plea: please make low level pet self breedable
8 years ago  January 27, 2017, 12:38:45 PM

I understand selfbreeding should be avoided on high level pets to cut any possible exploitation, however, could you consider allowing self-breeding of low level pets (I mean the ones taking 1 or 2 slots)?

I have fun levelling pets with 2 slots, however it simply takes ages if you have to ask for someone's help... then you finally got helped but when its time to get the ticket you wait for days for the other one to log in..  now you want to do it over and over again to hit gen 10 at some point... Not sure what others think, but this is just plain frustration for me.

Please consider allowing low level pets (<=2 slots) to breed with the same character. :)

Thanks for listening

Love  ::)

730 Posts
#1 Re :   Plea: please make low level pet self breedable
8 years ago  January 27, 2017, 01:41:43 PM

I would like to see a system where pet breeding was allowed for the first three levels or so.

  But after I mention that; I realize that a 10$ donation, unless it has been changed recently, grants a second account.

 Yeah, you may have to work hard raising skills on a second toon taming and lore, but  others have done it.

 I also recommend that you try joining, or creating, a guild with breeding in mind as a must be able to do. Time is what we have, perhaps it is up to us-- and not Kane-- to make things happen.

   I'm just saying, for the record...

  --Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--

275 Posts
#2 Re :   Plea: please make low level pet self breedable
8 years ago  January 30, 2017, 01:58:06 AM

If you do a small donation to the Shard you gain access to a second account that can be logged in at the same time.