Well... was thinking about it, Some peerless (Dread Horn/Travesty) require Keys to spawn/acess...
Gold sink! what about have a way to pay 100+k to have access to it? If I think of the travesty, the low drop rate of blue/yellow key is a pain, and sometimes I have time to loose my 2-3 yellow I got by luck befor I get a blue (of course, I had something to do ect.. I got a life you know
) otherwise I dont loose them. but what about make the key item buyable from a npc? for a good price of course. It wont stop new player from farming the mobs for the keys, but allow others to pay for it (and slowly/surely sink money out)
An other way would be to make the item whitout timer, to improve trade/selling. Personaly, Lady Sabrix eye and Gnaw fang are a pain to get, and when I get 1 or the other but have to go, I get pissd! ahah
All of that added whit the fact the peerless drop is low, would work greetly I think
Btw... hows the Dread Lasso drop rate going Dante? :p so far nobody has 1, and still got more flutes (5%) than the Lasso xD
3 players have the lasso and have turned all the gems in for the reward
*confirmed whit other player, nobody have ever seen the color (exept from Peerless Display room XD)
Also, Im sure some other think like me, I prefer kill something that "spawm" pretty often whit lower drop rate than wait for it every 1-2h whit mid drop rate (same goes for they Keys needed).
Anyway, everything else is f* awesome!