The December/Christmas event was both amazing and cramped. That of course is one mans opinion. I want to thank all the staff involved-- as usual-- you are the best. Though it was a struggle-- for me-- at times, it was worth all the havoc I went through to complete/compete each day. Please note that I'm posting this before I open up any of my 14 presents-- thank the Abomidable snowman I obtained all 12 daily gifts! ---wipes sweat from brow--- (I.E. the trial was worth more than the reward to me)
I know things were set up as they were to make each day a challenge; and even though drop rates didn't feel like they were 50/50 at times-- and I'm not saying they were otherwise-- I often had to tell myself that 50/50 still means 50 possible fails. I complained, like everyone else that complained, cause I'm human. But I think one of my complaints had value, which is why I'm posting my points of view below:
Scavenger, during some events, should be limited-- if not turned off-- by the mechanics of the quest/event being accomplished.
Gather quests are easy, once you find out specific locations; but have you ever seen an item you needed-- on the ground-- and some one rolls by without stopping and the item is gone? How are you going to get your first item? Wait until everyone else has turned in? This is scavenger at its worst in my opinion.
Change this scenario to using a skill to obtain the quest item, and who's going to have a justified reason to complain? Using the stealing skill to pick up the item is the answer here. Once again, my opinion, but hear me out.
I think this change/addition makes the playing field fair, because now you have to steal one item at a time, instead of truck past and have 6 goose nests in your bag in 5 seconds. Doing this allows for 5 or 6 players in an area to gather an item, instead of 1 of 400+ possible players to be done in 2 minutes.
This requirement might not work in all cases. Expo's Hallows event is a good case for argument here. Though, I must mention, the circumstances were different for that event. The event's duration for starters-- not a daily quest--, the respawn rate of the pumpkins, and the lack of fake-- smashed-- pumpkins lying about, might be good reasons to leave scavenger mechanics alone.
All in all, events should be about using skills, and relying on your past experiences-- playing UO-- to find success. Not a third party program, which was ment to pick up reagents-- for spell casting-- lying about {randomly} in the wilderness and not intended ti pick up items needed to turn in a quest.
Thanks for reading... here's a for the flames.
Have a Merry Christmas;