Discussion in   Suggestions   started     8 years ago   January 06, 2017, 02:10:08 AM   by   Symphony

Deco Stone Suggestions

34 Posts
Topic :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 06, 2017, 02:10:08 AM

 The deco mall is neat but in my opinion, about 90% of it is over priced.  100ED for a bookcase, wowza! That equates out to $10 when you figure RL/ED - that is exorbitant for a small piece of deco. I always look forward to the monthly stones but find them also to be over priced - but I am guessing that is because they change frequently and perhaps provide an opportunity to create some "rares" - Understandable.

That being said, there are some smaller things that would be cool to be available on a regular basis. For example, a plant stone with the plants that can not be grown here such as the different types of Lily Pads, Mosses, Grasses, Cocoa bushes, Poppy Dust etc...

I wonder if you guys could consider adding gold stones with these items. Makes for a nice gold sink and gives those of us who enjoy spending too much time building/decorating something else to play around with. It is the only thing I miss about the shard I came from and I think it would add a lot to Evo!


204 Posts
#1 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 06, 2017, 07:00:40 AM

The deco mall is neat but in my opinion, about 90% of it is over priced.  100ED for a bookcase, wowza! That equates out to $10 when you figure RL/ED - that is exorbitant for a small piece of deco. I always look forward to the monthly stones but find them also to be over priced - but I am guessing that is because they change frequently and perhaps provide an opportunity to create some "rares" - Understandable.

That being said, there are some smaller things that would be cool to be available on a regular basis. For example, a plant stone with the plants that can not be grown here such as the different types of Lily Pads, Mosses, Grasses, Cocoa bushes, Poppy Dust etc...
I wonder if you guys could consider adding gold stones with these items. Makes for a nice gold sink and gives those of us who enjoy spending too much time building/decorating something else to play around with. It is the only thing I miss about the shard I came from and I think it would add a lot to Evo!

204 Posts
#2 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 06, 2017, 07:02:16 AM

I like the idea for a stone for the unusual plants players cant normally get ingame as well as access to them on both gold & ED stones.


34 Posts
#3 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 18, 2017, 11:32:37 PM

On another note - it would be nice to see the pricing in the deco mall adjusted to something more reasonable. Many of the items are cute but WAY over priced. I know what goes into making them (I was a GM/designer for another shard in the past) and understand that *some* of them do take some time but I think when new players come here and see 500ED ($50) for a POND, it reflects poorly on the shard. I don't buy much from there because it is incredibly over priced, I just opt to build my own deco items but I would shop more there if the prices were reasonable. Right now, I don't donate as much anymore because frankly, I have run out of stuff I need/want that is purchased with ED. A pond isn't worth $50 (or even $25 if I get double ED) to me so I am not willing to pay that which means I have less motivation to buy ED to shop with.

I know you guys are using what sells at auction to help price things but it is a flawed system. You have whales here that are very willing to grossly over pay for stuff. Some people like to spend big just to show that they can when there is an audience ;)

Allowing them to dictate pricing honestly isn't the best system. I'd be happy to share some better ideas for this if anyone cares to listen! I love Evo but there are some definite drawbacks here that I think could easily be rectified to make it an even better place to play than it already is! <3

114 Posts
#4 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 22, 2017, 09:00:25 AM

I do check random stones and adjust prices accordingly. We can see sales of items. Gold and token stones are up front and change, monthly/semi monthly/when I have a moment to do so. If you have specific items you'd like to see just pm me.

Yes I do get that some prices are high, my only baseline when I first built the mall was what items were being sold for at that time and what they were being sold for at auction. I will try and be more diligent about updating pricing. Keep in mind, the cheaper an item is-the less valuable it becomes and we have to be very careful about devaluing sought after items.

I will never put item that take away from an in game system (plants that can be grown) being an example. Anything that takes away from player commerce isn't productive for the shard as a whole.

I also feel it's important to point out, I have been on shards where these items are owned by everyone because of their ease to obtain. It gets old fast, the shard is flooded with deco and it basically becomes valueless.

Imagine player A, buys an item at auction for 500ED. He is not JUST buying the item. He is also buying the item rarity and setting a tentative value for that brand new item. Now if that item goes into the deco mall for 200 ED I've done two things, I've said to that player, we just ripped you off. You paid 500 ED for an item that we are now making avalible to EVERYONE else for half what you paid. We are also setting ourselves up for devaluing the next new auction item. Players now know, buying it at auction is pointless because it will be sold for less in a few months anyway.

So I am afraid, you DO have to take auction prices very seriously. NOW, how do we combat it...we add some of them to game token stones, limited and amounts on Gold/Token stones. We put them on LOOT tables (hey those lost presents, pumpkins and anniversary hunts have some pretty cool potential prizes). We refrain from putting new deco in the mall for a period of time and it usually does go in for less than it sold at auction, but it can take up to a year. I am JUST now starting to cycle things  into the mall that I made when I first started staffing here. Additionally you will eventually, in the long term see higher end deco on the more difficult contracts. That is planned but takes time :)

And YES! If you do have ideas, thoughts, suggestions on how it can be done better I'd be happy to listen. But I did feel it was important to explain the thought process behind WHY we do it the way we currently do it!

34 Posts
#5 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 22, 2017, 03:53:57 PM

I will never put item that take away from an in game system (plants that can be grown) being an example. Anything that takes away from player commerce isn't productive for the shard as a whole.

Please re-read that section of my post! I didn't ask for plants that CAN BE GROWN!!!  :P

I apoligize I answered a question from a player in game who asked for plants to be on a stone a few days previously. Since your post was about deco and you specifically mentioned plants I went that route. What I should have pointed out, was I HAVE put a few of these plants on the gold stone in the deco mall, by request of a player I may add. This was just a few months before Christmas. In fact I think, it may have been you, or Gwen ...not 100% sure since I sometimes forget what I had for lunch yesterday! LOL Additionally, Sagemoon...we don't have cocoa plants in our graphics (sorry)

Also - a lot of the items in the deco mall have been there since I started playing, almost 4 years ago. To attempt to add any type of "rarity" value to them is comical. 1OOED for a bookcase that has been there for YEARS - is just over inflating in my opinion.

The deco mall before I started as staff I can't /won't address. I wasn't responsible for it and I am hoping we do things better now. Prior to just over a year ago only 1/3 of the deco we have now was displayed. There were no stones. You paged for purchase and pricing, and sometimes got different answers depending on who answered your page...you see where I am going with this? I am really trying to make it better. Offer me a solution? Before you say gold stone, we have both gold and token stones. No I will not put any significant part of anything on a gold stone. Remember if you put in gold sinks, you take away from ED sinks.

I do appreciate the attempt to explain the auction value system, I still disagree and believe that what players are paying at auction have nothing to do with the true value of something - I have witnessed myself, items that are sold on the vendor stones for 100ed sell for 500ed in auction!  ???

I've seen this too, before I was staff. Since I have been here the deco has all been exclusive (you don't see much in the deco mall that has been auctioned until a significant amount of time as passed). You kept coming back to the bookshelves so I will address this specifically. The LAST time they sold at an auction they went for 200 ED. (I know and remember because I bought them, I was still a player). In fact I had about 10 bookshelves. They were obtainable in one of Kane's quests, I purchased one for 20 mill and another for 150ED. I did not base the price solely on auction value. They will be obtainable in game again. I'm not telling you how, because that would spoil it

I think deco is under appreciated here on Evo - try getting some of those "rare" deco loot items and try to sell them for big bucks - rarely happens.

Honestly I can't speak to this,other than offering some observations- I don't recall seeing anyone sell deco. I think anyone who has it keeps it. The storage keys serve a purpose. People with high end deco tend not to need to money. I do see quite a bit of it on vendors and it does seem to move.

[/size]I still appreciate you taking the time to mostly read my post and respond! <3[size=78%]


730 Posts
#6 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 24, 2017, 12:27:03 PM

 I know of at least one person selling/buying Deco, at what I think is a reasonable price.

 Her character name is Marcia, and after I sold her a few Deco deeds, I checked out her shop (sometimes I see colorful runes lying on the ground, which is how I found her shop) where I did notice she was selling some of the things I had just sold to her for, again in my opinion, a fair up charge.

  I too, thought as you did, Symphony, about the prices at the Deco Mall. However, I came to the realization that 100 ED's translates into 10mil gold; or 100k gold per 1 ED. As of late, ED's are not hard to find, if you have the coin, tokens, or worth while items for trade, then you can certainly manage the cost of decorating a home.

  In closing, this discussion is good, because Domino's is willing to hear you out Symphony. The hardest part to come is accepting that a well thought out idea can end with the answer of no. Just don't give up, try and try again... just make sure its in 20 minute intervals, though.  ;D

  --Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--  8)

204 Posts
#7 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  January 25, 2017, 07:45:53 AM

But Mommmm, Im Sagemoon, shes Symphony, she runs Bliss vendorshop, Im just OLD...LOL

I did ask about cocoa plants 3 years ago though, to be fair.  *giggles*

The plants I was wondering about were those items I see players have as deco, but you cant find anywhere else ingame. The following are just some examples, I know theres alot more out in our awesome world:

1.Cool flashy stuff at Molten Core Vendors
2. a crab
3. lobster traps
4. a bouy(sp), like at blisses
5. lily pads & other cool water plants at Moonstone isle
6. Various non-auction items I see out in our world, that we dont see posted at the deco mall
7. & whatever else Symphony was talking about

There are so many really cool things ingame, but no clue where to see them to ask to buy them. It would be easier if they were just posted on a vendorstone(VS) at the deco mall rather then bug you guys all the time.



9 Posts
#8 Re :   Deco Stone Suggestions
8 years ago  March 05, 2017, 12:44:31 PM

A very interesting discussion going on here with some great points raised. IMO the deco mall pricing isn't too bad, but then I originally migrated from a shard that was literally twice as much (and not ingame currency, simple US $ for donation items) but I can understand how some of the items are seen as over-priced for what they are.. Ive noticed a few price changes recently though, was happy to finally get a few items ive wanted for years at a reasonable price :) I would say as a whole though the deco mall is great, you can a couple of nice things for your house for like 50ed.. try getting a couple of deco items at an auction for anything close to that (I don't even bother to bid anymore lol)

Yes Sturger, Marcia has been running the Deco Palace for a few months now and always tries to be reasonable with her pricing (she does it more for fun than for hard profits) but she has always loved deco and has FAR too much lol

She said please stick on a few of her most heard suggestions for deco (she gets a lot of requests)
      1) Various east-facing paintings (she says many requests for these)
      2) Assorted 5x5 Rug colours (purple, dark blue, golds etc)
      3) Ready-made kitchen/bathroom/office sets (made from containers, desks and ingame items) as many dont want to make their own from items