I will update this as I have suggestions. Most of this will likely be deco related.
Co-owners of a home being able to place deeded items and being able to Secure containers. (I was recently hired to Deco someone's home and was made a co-owner of said home, but it was exceedingly difficult to deco since a lot of deco is deeded, and I was not allowed to place it, same with secure containers. It would be nice if there was a way to have this restriction lifted)
More custom Deco tool. The house deco tool is a fantastic tool for people who like to deco homes, however it is still quite limiting. With the addition of features such as being able to move an object 1 tile NSEW, would be a fantastic addition. I was on a server one time that had a deco tool like that and as far as I could tell there was no down fall to doing so.
More Custom Deco craftables. I get it, there is a lot of deco that you can only buy with ED, which helps support the server costs. What is MOST appealing to me when I choose a shard to play is: What does the custom content look like? Is it craftable? Is it nice looking? Hunting monsters and doing champs is NOT the reason I choose to play UO. I play UO because of the customizing experience. I like to craft, I like to build, I like to decorate. Thats all there is to it for me really. If a server doesn't have these options, I tend to get bored and move on. I also think it will help to attract new and more players.
New or additional items in the custom house building menu. I don't have any idea how difficult this might be to add. As I stated in another thread, much of the build tools (wall etc) when it come to custom homes are incomplete. (I'd be willing to help complete these sets. To my own vision of course But I can only do art. I have no idea on how to implement it.)
Trash the structural support requirements when building a custom house. Is that possible? It would be sooooooo cool if it was. More of my lovely visions could be realized if it was.
Be able to place deeded items even if they will stick through the floor in the 2nd level. Please, please, please, please. I need an oven on the 1st floor. >_<
Additional maps. I have no idea how to do this but I know it is possible. I have played on a couple servers where they either had whole new facets or they completely scrapped britiania and made a whole new world. Some thing like this is extremely refreshing for players who have played UO for 17 years. Finally, something new to explore that I haven't explored over and over again for years. Could also be a way to encourage role playing. (I ran a town on one shard I played, it was a blast. It was basically 3 player run towns for the most part. It was the most thrilling UO experience I ever had. Unfortunately I left because the staff wasn't very friendly, and wanted to put tight regulations on our roleplay [especially in times of war and sabotage] )