The way bods were coded is kind of messed up.. I am trying to clean it up without resorting to a complete recode.. I am constantly crossing my fingers that the next fix isn't what just breaks it. Small Carp bods should be working now, I am aware that getting the lower ones is an issue.. need to grab some time to figure out why or is it just a sample size/rng issue that needs to be resolved. Large Carp bods need to be cleaned up still but there was no point in doing them if had no idea what the small bods would be when done and getting them all, there is a path to working on this stuff.
Do have something coming up as a small break project for crafters, kind of hoping this may be a better kind of bod system.. by that I mean something fun for crafters to do that can yield good rewards.
Grizzly Bear.. someone named raging bear that.. you can find the correct bears around Moonglow and the taming area.