Discussion in   Suggestions   started     10 years ago   July 08, 2014, 10:33:26 AM   by   Tommyboy69

Bod mail box

49 Posts
Topic :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 08, 2014, 10:33:26 AM

ok if u have 5 toons 1 at 120 rest at .01 you get a bod for each that has .1 or more?
 with a bod mailbox 1 toon clicks and all bods for all the toons on that acct are collected at 1 time

Bod mail box for each bod system
1 for bowflec
1 for bio
1 for tink.
1 for bs
1 for tailor.
basically 1 for every bod system
these could also be suggestions for home deco.

they only work if in bank or secured in house
only bods go in there 300 Bods per box max.

2nd suggestion

for donation fee. or ed purchase. or a gift for playing on server.

a 2nd bank box accessible via every char on that acct
 say I wanna give char 3 something that char 1 has
all I gotta do is drop it in that 2nd bank box
"name it" acct bank. what ever.
 the item cap on the acct bank would be much larger then 125 items
make it say 500 or 1000 item max no weight cap.

730 Posts
#1 Re :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 08, 2014, 07:54:23 PM

ok if u have 5 toons 1 at 120 rest at .01 you get a bod for each that has .1 or more?
 with a bod mailbox 1 toon clicks and all bods for all the toons on that acct are collected at 1 time "Said by Tommyboy69"

  First off you forgot carpentry. :) Secondly I like the idea of mailboxes. Though I would not ask for mailboxes in the matter you suggest. BoD's are being reworked. It is possible that you can get bods the way you suggest. But I believe Kane might change all that in the future; so that each account is limited to X amount of BoDs per hours. This limitation would be based on the main crafters skill on that account. I.E. if you have one character with 120+ skill then no matter who gets the BoD, your account will only be allotted 1 every so many hours.

  There is a bright side. We are allowed a second account. Also, if you turn in a BoD you can immediately get another BoD right after.

  Also, BoD's are based on the skill of the crafter. At higher levels you get the better rewards.

 At 0.01 skill you will get a lot of leather cap bods; I hope you enjoy colored Looms.

  As for your second idea; why don't you log your characters out in a nice house? Use your characters bank for character specific items, and the three houses an account is allotted for a giant account bank.  I hate to be smug, but this isn't WoW.


49 Posts
#2 Re :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 09, 2014, 05:01:32 AM

junk bods are for fill turn in to get lbods

730 Posts
#3 Re :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 09, 2014, 04:37:16 PM

  I do understand. Perhaps I am wrong, only the future will tell; or perhaps I was not specific enough in my post.

  I believe Kane is adapting a system which will not allow us to have junk bods as you suggest.

  Again, I believe the standard will be based off of the character, with the highest crafting skill, on the account, logged into, when receiving the days BoD(s). And X amount of BoD's, of that craft skill type, will be granted every X amount of hours/minutes. Turning in a completed BoD will be the only way to break that time restraint. Also, Kane mentioned other ways of getting BoD's, but has not posted more then that thought, about the subject.

  So like I said, time will tell.  Just trying to help you understand what you may have missed, from past posts, due to being new.


49 Posts
#4 Re :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 10, 2014, 02:25:02 PM

removing the ability of obtaining a bod at .01 would totally mess up the bod system with regards to bs,tailoring. that is why osi had that in place
and as far as Again;missing or not your point is nothing to me.
again I say my suggestion and as is the bod mail box is a great suggestion
so pls don't flame
ps .01 on this server is nothing consider no skill cap so make it 100

730 Posts
#5 Re :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 11, 2014, 04:20:14 PM

 I am not flaming you.

 Also, this is not OSI.

 That being said; I stand by what I said. Of course is is up to the staff and Kane.

107 Posts
#6 Re :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 11, 2014, 04:40:29 PM

I don't see the point to script a mail box for bods..

With that said. Taking away the ability to get bods on alts is not a smart move. Its one reason why we have people who do bods.. Can you see the time it would take to fill a large bod if you could only get one bod a day? No thank you. If this 'change' you speak of happens.. I see very few if anyone messing with this system.  I know I would not touch it. I don't want to spend months farming for that one bod that is needed that just wont drop for a +5 socket deed.  I'd rather farm t-maps in the hopes of getting +1's every 10 minutes.

If you want to get bods on alts.. Its not hard to set them up with a runebook recall scrolls to get them back and for from their homes. No need for this mail box what so ever.

49 Posts
#7 Re :   Bod mail box
10 years ago  July 13, 2014, 11:21:58 AM

totally agree,

those lesser then gm skills bod drops are there for a reason. that reason is to build up to a lbod.