ok if u have 5 toons 1 at 120 rest at .01 you get a bod for each that has .1 or more?
with a bod mailbox 1 toon clicks and all bods for all the toons on that acct are collected at 1 time "Said by Tommyboy69"
First off you forgot carpentry.
Secondly I like the idea of mailboxes. Though I would not ask for mailboxes in the matter you suggest. BoD's are being reworked. It is possible that you can get bods the way you suggest. But I believe Kane might change all that in the future; so that each account is limited to X amount of BoDs per hours. This limitation would be based on the main crafters skill on that account. I.E. if you have one character with 120+ skill then no matter who gets the BoD, your account will only be allotted 1 every so many hours.
There is a bright side. We are allowed a second account. Also, if you turn in a BoD you can immediately get another BoD right after.
Also, BoD's are based on the skill of the crafter. At higher levels you get the better rewards.
At 0.01 skill you will get a lot of leather cap bods; I hope you enjoy colored Looms.
As for your second idea; why don't you log your characters out in a nice house? Use your characters bank for character specific items, and the three houses an account is allotted for a giant account bank. I hate to be smug, but this isn't WoW.