Discussion in   Suggestions   started     7 years ago   August 01, 2017, 11:27:30 AM   by   Bezado

Arrrrr!!! Cursed Pirates - Sword again, Upgrade it then?

12 Posts
Topic :   Arrrrr!!! Cursed Pirates - Sword again, Upgrade it then?
7 years ago  August 01, 2017, 11:27:30 AM

If you're going to get this lame sword most of the time then why not have it upgraded? I put a month into camping Captain Kidd for his dagger and that is a solid month camping for a second time finishing quest to find out upon turn in that I get the SWORD again? What gives? This sword for the amount of effort time put into this quest should be a LOT better in terms of stats.

My argument is this. Why should there be a long process of camping to get one of the rewards multiple times that is really unusable and pretty much like a consolation ribbon, I mean the reward for the sword should be just a gold coin in this respect.
Sorry if I offend any hardcore Pirates out there.

-- Cursed Pirate Cutlass --
    Swordsmanship +5  - Should be +10

    Damage Increase 55% - DI would be better at 60

    Hit Chance Increase 10% - HCI 15 even 20% would be fine here not game breaking.

    Hit Life Leech 50% - 50 is fine but this sword is unusable for such a lengthy camping process you go through to get it,  just due to the fact it has no mana Leech, also stats are pretty bad compared to just player made levelable weapons. Why can't the Sword be on par with this, is it a big Finger to those who keep getting it just to say sorry you wasted such a long time with camping???

    Hit Lightning 50% - Great it can do 50% chance to hit lightning, but still not that great of a sword to use. Again player made 1 handed swords are so much better if you're looking to get a good PVE weapon, plus the amount of time to get Kidd to drop dagger is like about a month camping time, some players go longer if not more vigilant.

    Luck -100 - This could actually be reduced more -200 would be nice or -300 if the sword was upgraded to be relevant in terms of actually being useable. I would gladly take a penalty of minus luck that much to use this if it was decent.

    Self Repair 5 - Perfect

    Spell Channeling - If it hadn't it would be even more unattractive lol.

    Strength Bonus 10 - A stat that you get quite often in terms of armors and stuff on this server, perhaps a Pirates best attribute is Dexterity, they are swashbucklers after all, no?

    Swing Speed 45% - Great stat if the sword actually had a decent damage factor and swing speed to begin with. Lot of your area attack Artifacts have 0.7 or around 1 weapon speed with same or more weapon damage as this.

    Physical Damage 100% - This hurts bad in terms of being great all around, lot of physical reflect damage mobs will not make this work too well. I think a better idea here would be to have a poison damage and cold damage combo 50/50 if you think about a pirate then poison makes sense and cold, I guess in my head.

    Weapon Damage 11- 13 - Again the weapon damage is low vs some really nice artifact swords that do lots damage, even player made is higher and those have 0.5 more weapon speed but the damage is there on those. Would like to see 13-15 damage would be good for this sword as default.

    Weapon Speed 2.5s - Weapon speed is in the ballpark if it was good sword with some of the arty swords being 0.7 weapon speed or 1+ this seems to negate much of the 45% swing speed effect in my opinion, perhaps you guys did this because you also put a hit lightning 50%? If so then my only argument here is look at your artifacts that have very low swing speeds or player made with multiple spell hit types on them.