Discussion in   Suggestions   started     7 years ago   December 02, 2017, 11:53:02 AM   by   Ivoge

Allow murderers to all facets

1 Posts
Topic :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 02, 2017, 11:53:02 AM


I have recently came across something very stupid. Red players aren't allowed to access any other facet than felucca. That is limiting players to farm only in Fel, they have to waste their time creating second (blue) characters to run vendor malls/grind in any other facet than fel.

It doesn't make any sense to me and this change should be reverted. You still have tram ruleset in every single facet which means PK can't do anything to you unless you are in Felucca. It will make the game fair and equal for everyone.

I have asked several players around the server and they all have agreed with me on that decision.

Kane - if the votes are overwhelming - can you please make this your priority and change it?

Kind Regards,

180 Posts
#1 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 02, 2017, 12:07:28 PM


I have recently came across something very stupid. Red players aren't allowed to access any other facet than felucca. That is limiting players to farm only in Fel, they have to waste their time creating second (blue) characters to run vendor malls/grind in any other facet than fel.

It doesn't make any sense to me and this change should be reverted. You still have tram ruleset in every single facet which means PK can't do anything to you unless you are in Felucca. It will make the game fair and equal for everyone.

I have asked several players around the server and they all have agreed with me on that decision.

Kane - if the votes are overwhelming - can you please make this your priority and change it?

Kind Regards,

This has been suggested before.  There should be consequences for killing innocent players.  If you want to go to tram,  make a blue Alt.  Why waste Kane's time on a non issue.  You can also pay to have your counts removed.  It is your choice to play a red,  there should be Limits.

1292 Posts
#2 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 02, 2017, 12:12:01 PM

FYI at this point, no matter the vote we are not going to change the facets for pk atm, it will be limited to Felucca
You can easily create a blue alt to do any of the content on the other facets, you made a choice to go red and pk, that is the consequence

We will be adding in some pvp content and events in Felucca in the near future

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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5 Posts
#3 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 02, 2017, 12:17:25 PM

I have never known any player shard or OSI shard that allows reds in any other facet other then fel. Its just part of the pk  system.

1292 Posts
#4 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 02, 2017, 12:54:21 PM

yes im not sure there is enough of a reason to let reds rule the countryside on all the facets, the balance seems good atm and reds are meant to be intelligent monsters that protect some of the rares in felucca, that is the way some of the content stays balanced

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

2 Posts
#5 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 02, 2017, 02:09:32 PM

No no no and no keep it as is. Fel is fel and the place to pk/pvp   Ive been on shards where they made other facets fel rules and it made it unpleasant to play  going to kill monsters and worrying about being pk'd. This is why i love evo pk/pvp is confined to fel only.  :)

202 Posts
#6 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 04, 2017, 01:08:03 PM

No Way

If you cant do the time don't do the crime.

If you want to be a red then fine but the restrictions should remain the same.

32 Posts
#7 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 04, 2017, 04:35:50 PM

I also believe that it is fine as it is, there must be some consequences for reds. Blue alts, almoust every red has one so don't see a problem there.
On the other hand it would be nice if we could get a new custom facet with fel lost lands rules, maybe new custom champs, towns and quests but i guess it's a lot of work and not going to happen anytime soon.

730 Posts
#8 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 06, 2017, 03:39:48 PM

  I hope by PvP content it's more then just a Tournament.  How about some quests [in felucca] that require murder counts before the quest giver will talk to you?

  We have gear for this race, or that gender. How about for specific alignments, too?

  Just a thought.


202 Posts
#9 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
7 years ago  December 07, 2017, 12:14:29 PM

I get the distinct impression that the Reds are tired of killing each other and are wanting areas to suck in new victims.

May I suggest an alternative.  Perhaps we need an NPC therapist to help these players deal with their inner conflicts. 

Petey Papers
5 Posts
#10 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
3 years ago  October 28, 2021, 01:03:34 PM

Reds are allowed on all facets on Siege Perilious server and it actually helps a server with low population.

I don't see the big deal id the reds can't attack you in those facets, how is that a balance issue?

591 Posts
#11 Re :   Allow murderers to all facets
3 years ago  October 29, 2021, 08:51:23 AM
Last edited on October 29, 2021, 08:52:25 AM

If asking me personally... (which doesn't mean anything since I do not play).  I have no issue with reds being on other facets but that is different then saying... reds or pvp in general will be allowed on all facets because that I am against.  There is Fel.. have at it.  Soon enough there will be a second facet for pvp as well.  So the other facets will remain for just normal PvM as far as rules go however.


I do think it is a much larger discussion then a few reds though since this does effect the greater player base.  You probably should come up with a better outline of what is desired and see what people post... both for and against.  Who knows, might be able to find some common ground