@ Allestaria
~Normal everyday dungeon chests, all facets, have normal clothing; rings, bracelets, wands, arrows, and bolts. I'd like this to be looked into, so some things can be changed, in order for the chests to be full of treasure of value. 'Said by Sturger' --quoted by Allestaria with the following--
There are treasure chests in game. No need to look at the other chests as they are just as they should be. 'Said by Allestaria'
Please help me understand what you are talking about here?
As they should be, full of wands?
Full of rings, bracelets, and clothing that has no magical value; or much value at all. 12-35gp?
I am trying to point out to Kane/Staff that the normal chests in Tram/Fel-- all dungeons, for that matter, which have pickable chests-- are full of junk.
In closing, because I do not wish to argue a point, that should be obvious, any more then it has to be argued/explained; I will say the following:
If everyone, including myself, can complain about the low end rewards given out from BoD's-- which just got upgraded in a recent patch-- then the loot in any pickable chest should be of value, instead of the useless junk that it is.
P.S. I do understand that level 1 dungeon chests have clothing and junk jewelry as rewards, and I'd be okay with that. However I think that there are ways in which that junk can be turned into additinal fun. The Virtue Honesty for instance would be a good starting point; in that I could return 'Gandalf's the Greys' favorite cloak to him, and receive points in honesty.