Interesting stuff here...
"Ancient Treasure Maps": remind me of the themed T-maps we can already do. However, your thoughts inspired me with the following ideas... What about the option to gain custom T-maps that lead us inside one of the currently available 'Static' dungeons, where one of Kane's instant dungeons/tombs might spawn--with a treasure filled chest waiting at the end-- once we dug down to the (instant) entrance. There is much potential here for expanding on UOE's custom Treasure hunting theme here, what do you think?
'Tomb Keys': I like this idea. However, I am not for the "find keys to gain access to a tomb" aspect. That said, I feel that the keys you mention should be a continuation aspect of the tombs we do find our way into. Think of this like golden skulls, first you enter doom, then there is a challenge to see the hidden part of doom, which requires us to collect X amount of items. However, instead of collecting bones, we can find these tomb keys anywhere in the game, and only use them when we find our ways inside of a tomb. All the keys would do, is allow us to go through another door, fight some more monsters--perhaps-- and gain a little more loot. However, it would be up to Kane to decide if there were several locked Tomb doors which required Tomb Keys to open all in one Tomb. These keys might also, open a new kind of treasure chest inside of tombs, Tomb Chests anyone? I suggest that the keys be trade-able as well, just like golden skulls are.
As for the "Ultra Priceless artifacts," I think we already have those. At least when it comes to set pieces and other non-set items we can find inside tombs. I like the time limit aspect, though.
'Special Titles': I know Kane is creating a title system, which grants bonuses-- depending on which title you have in use--, but I am unsure if there will be a title for Tomb Raiding...
In closing I just want to say, this is all good stuff, and that I will be asking Domino about your "The Pharoah's Throne" - Decoration idea. This idea is once again, another good idea... Kitchens are nice, but sometimes a man/woman needs a trophy to remind them of something risky they once did.
--Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--