I was wondering on a more: How does this improve the shard, your current build, or add diversity... more or less in your own words. The same for the explosion potion improvement you suggest. Thanks.
For the record, everyone wants something, doesn't mean it's needed. (just saying)
Explosion pots, if you were to spec into alchemy to the degree it would add enough damage to be viable, would bring an entirely new play style into the game. Just think of a mad alchemist running around with 300+ alchemy. Make AOE heal pots, explosion pots would do enough damage to be viable (100dmg like a flamestrike) every 6-7 seconds (that hits foe (for 100% dmg, and friend (for 50% dmg)), make an AOE curse pot, conflags that bring some hilarity, etc, etc, etc. I would frigging love this. It would be a support play style with a bit of damage.