A few weeks ago I was attempting to fill a taming BOD for Grizzly Bears. However, every grizzly I tamed and tried to combine with the deed said that it was not the requested creature. Shortly after I began using a BOD book for storing my BODs. When I added the one for the grizzlies, it then said "Raging Grizzly Bear".
Just now I recieved and added another BOD for grizzlies to my book, and it says just "Grizzly Bear". But this one will not take grizzlies either.
I would really like to fill these deeds, can they be fixed anytime soon?
Bug last experienced: A few weeks ago
How to reproduce the bug: Accepting and attepting to fill a deed for Grizzly Bear.
Gain mass resources from this bug: No
Exploit for profit or unfair advantage: No