I've noticed a recent change that probably wasn't intended.
When we have empty vendor's for a certain amount of time we force a release in a week.
Prior to this the items/money would go into our moving crate so we can give them back to the player
when they return.
Now this is not happening anymore. Vendors drop and the items are not going into the house's moving crate. This includes the owners money.
Vendor dropped today and the owner is out of some nice items. (Granted he forgot to pay his vendor) but when this has happened before the items ended up into the houses moving crate.
This time they did not.
Might want to look into this Kyn. Please
I cannot reproduce this issue. When i drop a vendor all the items go to the create as intended. It appears this was an isolated case. I'll look at the script and see if I can find any root cause for this to randomly happen, though I would recommend that everyone drop some extra gold on their vendors to be safe. Its really not that expensive.