Discussion in   Report Bug   started     10 years ago   September 25, 2014, 07:49:51 PM   by   justbob722

Beehive problem

9 Posts
Topic :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  September 25, 2014, 07:49:51 PM

When you try to use the gump to apply a potion, it uses ALL the potions in you backpack of that type, and counts it as one... >:(

107 Posts
#1 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  September 27, 2014, 05:12:34 PM

When you try to use the gump to apply a potion, it uses ALL the potions in you backpack of that type, and counts it as one... >:(

been that way since they were introduced.
Best to use kegs as that way this doesn't happen..

204 Posts
#2 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 24, 2015, 11:02:45 AM


Still Exists as of today.

730 Posts
#3 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 25, 2015, 01:15:45 AM

  As I am not sure of the real issue here, please bear with me.

  Yes, I do understand that there is an issue, however, I do not claim to know how to fix that particular one.

  That being said, I suggest trying the following-- if for no other reason but to give me feedback.

  First, let me know if you are targeting a single potion and this issue is occurring.

   Note: if that is the case disregard the following and have a swell day, cause I haven't a clue.

  Second, if you are targeting a stack of potions, try taking one out of the stack, and then use the gump to target the single potion VS. the stack. Also, be sure to keep the single potion and the stack of potions, of the same kind, in your main backpack when trying this test.

   Third, feedback would be great.

  My thought is that the code is written in such a way that the gump is looking for a particular value, versus looking for a value and the values sum.

  So, for example, if you have two 2010 Mustangs (potions), one being metallic dark green, and the other is metallic blue, ready for pick up at a dealership (potion storage location). Consider the "gump" the pick up driver who has orders to pickup (use) a 2010 Mustang from the dealer ship. When the driver (gump) gets there he doesn't know which one is the one he is supposed to pickup (use) because there are more then one 2010 Mustangs to choose from. Now realize that the driver (gump) is programed in such a way that no matter (by default) what the situation is he can not make a mistake (software error). He has no choice but to take all (by default value) the choices possible, and deliver them to their new destination (plant).

  This same problem occurs with storage keys, or once did. The green token gems collected form killing certain mobs in the newbie dungeon have the same value as an arcane gem, but their sum-- in this case their color and name-- is different. So, when you use the adventuring boots storage keys and have both kinds of gems in your bag, both are collected, and considered arcane gems.

  I could be totally wrong, it is 1am and I kind of wrote a book, but it looks good an I'm going with it.  8)


Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#4 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 25, 2015, 09:52:20 AM

The problem is simple, potions were never meant to stack, when you hit the poison potion on the hive gump or any type of potion, the system looks for the potion in your pack and since like i said they are not meant to stack, it uses the whole stack. Simple enough!

230 Posts
#5 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 25, 2015, 11:57:48 AM

I don't know the exact timeline, but stackable potions were implemented in UO. Any item that has the offset, double image when stacked is supported by the client for stacking. Items that are stackable, but not supported by the client do not have the double image (Hare Krishna rose is one example I recall).

As for why it consumes the whole stack, it is simply the way the script was originally coded. Either oversight by the original writer or intended for a server where potions do not stack.

Relevant portions of code:

As currently implemented:

Code: [Select]
Changed to use individual potions:
Code: [Select]
And anyone who is interested how consuming differs from deleting, here's what the consume method does to items:
Code: [Select]
public virtual void Consume( int amount )
     this.Amount -= amount;

    if ( this.Amount <= 0 )

143 Posts
#6 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 25, 2015, 12:58:07 PM


So, for example, if you have two 2010 Mustangs (potions), one being metallic dark green, and the other is metallic blue, ready for pick up at a dealership (potion storage location). Consider the "gump" the pick up driver who has orders to pickup (use) a 2010 Mustang from the dealer ship. When the driver (gump) gets there he doesn't know which one is the one he is supposed to pickup (use) because there are more then one 2010 Mustangs to choose from. Now realize that the driver (gump) is programed in such a way that no matter (by default) what the situation is he can not make a mistake (software error). He has no choice but to take all (by default value) the choices possible, and deliver them to their new destination (plant).

     I understand how a script does this being that it deals with two insubstantial items, but the delivery driver has a bill of lading. It should contain detailed information such as year model, color, package, and most importantly... a VIN number. If he picks them both up then he's an idiot. Unless he is coming to steal them ;) If he is driving said vehicle to the destination though instead of using a car hauler, he may not have a bill of lading as it may be a request from a friend, but then he'd have to have the keys. Theoretically speaking, let's say he has ALL the keys. In order to drive both cars at both times he'd have to be in two places at the same time, which is impossible... unless he's a particle. At which point he can do what he wants as long as no one is observing him, but it still doesn't change the fact that at this point he'd be too small to operate an automobile.

      But that's just my theory. :)

730 Posts
#7 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 25, 2015, 02:10:25 PM

  @ spainkevin79

  I must concede to your wisdom; and ask forgiveness for my 1am blunderings.  I ment to be helpful, not accurate.

   I will do better next time, good Sir, I promise.

 ;D :D ;) :) :o 8)

204 Posts
#8 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 25, 2015, 08:29:39 PM


I feel like I was dropped into an episode of Big Bang, and the nerds are talking.  *giggles*

ok ok...

Sturger: I started reading your post Sturger, and its because the potions are stacked, which our client doesnt seem to support in this instance. Ill just make 1 at a time from now on. But I liked the mustang metaphor, tho, if I was the average woman, you made the simple mistake of not talkin SHOES! to meh.   :P

Thorgal! My lovely Thorgal *hugs* thank you for adding your input, which makes sense to even the average joe/jill!

Spainkevein79, I AM the pretend driver going to steal those sweet cars!   8)  *sends the driver particle to CERN's Large Hadron Collider for study*  :P 

Minos! I am awed by your presence, and thankful for your expert advice on how to correct the issue at hand. Ill try to get Kane to peek in for us. *humbly bows*

143 Posts
#9 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 26, 2015, 05:57:53 AM

We are way to nerdy to be on an Episode of Big Bang, Sturger and I would constantly be like "Um, actually..."  every time those guys said anything.

Thorgal is lovely and get's hugs? (Thorgal * Cool Points) > (Sturger + Soulsunder)

Spainkevein79, I AM the pretend driver going to steal those sweet cars!   8)  *sends the driver particle to CERN's Large Hadron Collider for study*  :P 

I'd help you, but careful... You're letting your inner nerd show ;) Btw The large Hadron collider is scheduled to reopen sometime this year, I can't wait :D

Minos! I am awed by your presence, and thankful for your expert advice on how to correct the issue at hand. Ill try to get Kane to peek in for us. *humbly bows*

RESPECT. You gotta teach me how you do that....

204 Posts
#10 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 26, 2015, 11:45:35 AM


Many here, including yourself, have me at a disadvantage.  I use my mains name as my forums name, cause well, It would be hard to hide my persona!  :P  But, because there are so many of you vets, & your comings & goings, Im totally clueless who others are unless they use their toon name.

Sturger was a very kind soul who assisted me when I was driving myself crazy, trying to get 700 feritle dirt a week, for plants. 

Thorgal Is one of my ingame Mentors.

Minos, I have never met him, but by perusing the forums; I have learned he is one of great importance to our UO world!

I have read many of your posts as well, but I have yet to figure out who exactly you are, bvut Ill keep snooping & I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL FIND OUT WHERE THE NUCLEAR MISSLES ARE!!! LOL...<<ok, bad call back, but I had to try  :P

Respect is easy, if its true of heart & spirit. We all know Im a sappy, lovey dovey goofball sister, with a big heart.  =)

Not much of a nerd, but I have very broad interests.  =)

143 Posts
#11 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 26, 2015, 01:26:54 PM

I'm Soulsunder :) I thought everyone knew that.

204 Posts
#12 Re :   Beehive problem
10 years ago  January 26, 2015, 01:29:31 PM

Yes, but as youve stated elsewhere, you are incoged to protect your new gaming identitiy! I am now at present sleuthing thru your posts, you will not evade meh!

Im a people person, and I hate not being able to hug ppl I talk to!!!