Anyone know much about TwitchTV?
A few players brought this to my attention last month and said it would be fun to watch players stream their character live online at UO Evolution. Today I just saw Amazon bought TwitchTV for 1 Billion dollars and says it will be the next big thing.
Anyways I see that a few players have accounts on TwitchTV already. I want to encourage everyone to get accounts and then give me your link to post on the main page of the website for players to tune in and watch you play.
I would like to see all our PVP players sign up for an acct asap
I thought of many ways for us to use this to advertise UO Evolution.
*It would be fun to have all the players in the guild war events stream live and let our players be able to watch the events as a spectator
*Maybe implement a hide-n-seek event and try to find each other based on the live video?
*Maybe watch PVP events? Teach PVP to other players? Quest walk-thrus for new players? Tours of the shard at specific times?
Let me know your ideas and how we can add this to the shard!
Sign up for an acct at and then send me your link, post here on the forum if you like and ill pick up the links and add to our webs
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