PVP Ladder Rankings ideas
instead of just dueling, what about a seasonal pvp ladder?
you sign up. get a ranking from lets say 1-20 (if theres 20 people involved)
you can challenge a maximum of up to two spots ahead of you to a duel to rank up
its a first to five kills in dueling alone, 1v1s
so say it goes like
#1 des sanct #2 Cain #3 mayor #4 maynard maynard can challenge spot 3 or 2 to move up
if maynard would lose that first to five kills, he remains at spot four, unless challenged by someone from spot 5 or 6 and loses, or i could challenge des sanct for the #1 spot on the ladder and have to hold that for an entire month in a defending position
there could be a board coded into red city with the sign up listings to put your name on it and you would have to remain active, at least one challenge per week for rewards to be claimed at the end (most likely do it in months)
if you dont challenge within one week, your name would be removed and you'd have to resign up with a challenge to be listed again
the initial sign up is a 3 day period where anyone can put their name on the ladder
depending on your spot at the end of the month, that would be like the amount of ed you could claim
assuming theres only 15 or so active players right now
each spot, 1 would win 15 ed, 2 would win 14, and so on and so fourth
it wouldn't be a change in the economy, and would keep fair competativeness between higher geared players
if it were not coded in we could keep track of standings here and confirm challenges between each other, set times etc and work out details together