socket more parry so you dont get hit with weapons as much, adding dex to the boots is better. intel augs are currently limited to +3 [ 1 socket] or +15 [ 3 sockets] no legendary aug for intel at this moment. arms lore should be minimum of 175 for triple slash to not fail augment check. higher swords with skill cloth to hit more often. most mages do not have to stack the melee skills to survive, just eval int, magery and high parry. they do not need the tactics, anatomy and arms lore, the op eval int will drop most peoples gear. then they exp, flame strike and either spam harm or fireball to kill you in less time a dexxer can heal with a bandage. i have 165 dex and it takes me 3-5 bandages to fully heal thru a mage dump. if you stand next to a mage spamming harm, you lose. period. harm spam is way op. so are their mini heals.
a dexxer cannot stack the high eval int and magery because of the melee skills they need to fight and be effective. chivalry casting is slow and doesn't match a op mini-heal spam that takes less than half a second to cast.
items that have more intel on it will be helpful, even though it will not show up on your max stats, it will come into play when cursed by a mage running 240+ eval int.