Discussion in   PVP Discussion   started     10 years ago   September 29, 2014, 12:36:06 AM   by   Expo

Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas

294 Posts
Topic :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 29, 2014, 12:36:06 AM

What would be a fun "Reds Only" event with a Halloween theme? I've thought of a couple but would like to hear your suggestions. I've also got planned an "all-inclusive" event where reds and blues can all attend but am still working out some kinks/details.

Anyways, I'd like to add it to the list of other events we have planned for October so let's get to it! CHOP CHOP!!!

107 Posts
#1 Re :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 29, 2014, 08:24:54 PM

Figured the reds would of had an idea...

I could see my red enjoying a  find the head to the headless horseman quest. Collecting heads to go into a pot. Once that pot is full its taken to a witch that turns it into the headless horsemans missing head.

Trick or Treat NPC's quest.  Going up to special npcs and saying Trick or Treat. You could get a treat, or a trick. That Trick could be anything from them attacking you, to them transforming you into a bat for 5 minutes. Rendering you unable to fight for that time.  Take those treats and combine them for a neat Halloween deco item. Or turn them into a quest npc for random deco. Like blood, your own perma named head. 

Get a jar that you must fill with blood. That blood is used to fill a fountain. Once complete you get a trick or treat bag!

294 Posts
#2 Re :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 29, 2014, 10:38:39 PM

Figured the reds would of had an idea...

I could see my red enjoying a  find the head to the headless horseman quest. Collecting heads to go into a pot. Once that pot is full its taken to a witch that turns it into the headless horsemans missing head.
Yea, I've tried in the past to include them but when I do, I get no static/activity... but if I don't include them, the static is electric. Basically a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. That's life though isn't it? But, back to the point... where do you get these heads? From other players? Monsters? If it's other players, then probably have to work it into an upcoming scoring system... or is it an item? *ponders on it some more*

107 Posts
#3 Re :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 30, 2014, 03:03:30 AM

I thought players at first. But then remembered that its just to easy to farm heads from your own second account, guildies or friends.

So I would do npc's. Maybe one day its shop keepers in old buildings.. T2A is a good one for old buildings. Then lost travelers.  Things like that I think would play more into the Halloween theme.

But yes I hear a lot of the "what about us".

Or you could do a headless horseman hunt!  Spawn him  and give clues and see who can find him kill him and bring back his head. And it being in Fel oh those thieves would have fun.

143 Posts
#4 Re :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 30, 2014, 05:00:51 AM

     I'd personally make it a horror story. Allow me to elaborate. Make a Revenant type creature that randomly appears and chases players only to dissappear. If killed it leaves no corpse. Give it a female name and the lady of the snow body type. You could change her hue to 2301 (same hue as the death robe). This will give her the appearance and size of a girl in the age range of 8-12. I'd make her do 0 damage and give her 50 or so hp with 0 resists. That way players can kill her before they quite figured out what just happened. This would just be to set the tone.

      I would also spawn her as part of a camp. Imagine this, You are running through fel, minding your buisiness, and then this pops up around you. (seen below) Just an idea. I was thinking we could do something of a murder/mystery/ghost story. Of course the big payoff would be extracting vengeance against the little girls killers. Cause thats the way reds solve problems right? We kill them.

     Anyway it's coming up on 6am and I am tired. I know this is an incredibly rough version, but at 6am its all I got. If this peaks anyone's interest let me know and I will flesh this out further. If not then oh well. I'll be blue before Halloween anyway. ;)

*side note* I think reds only want to be included, when they think you don't want them to be included. Otherwise they pretend to be too cool for the room, so to speak. Try making an announcement that reds will be barred from this event a week prior to it starting and then include them last minute. I bet they all show up.

65 Posts
#5 Re :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 30, 2014, 05:44:05 AM

I am not good with ideas.. Maybe a pvp event? tournament! I am not sure. Capture the pumpkin?

143 Posts
#6 Re :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 30, 2014, 07:08:13 AM

Capture the pumpkin?

That would be 10x more fun ig it involved all of us chasing Pumpkin Escobar. ;)

294 Posts
#7 Re :   Post Your Halloween PvP/PK and All-Inclusive Event Ideas
10 years ago  September 30, 2014, 09:39:36 AM

Give it a female name and the lady of the snow body type. You could change her hue to 2301 (same hue as the death robe). This will give her the appearance and size of a girl in the age range of 8-12.
Ooooo the creepy little girl thing is always creepy. I might use that for something.

I'm ultimately aiming to make it where reds and blues fight cooperatively for a common goal. Thinking a mix of...... OooOOooO! Just got an idea!!!