I really dont get into the PVP scene, but I do have a few things I think Id like to mention.
I've always liked the risk-reward system when it comes to PvP. There shouldn't be risk free ways to fight someone. So ideas that come to mind:
- make area peace potent in PvP against pets
- allow provo/discord a chance to unbound pets
- add ANTI-PET PVP traits to gear (you can create a whole mess of PvP related abullies actually)
- allow dispell to unsummon pets and stable them in combat
- have pets take increased damage from other players.
1. I do think music abilities peace/area peace/dicord/provoke should be part of pvp, not just only against pets
2. I dont think a pet should EVER be unbindable (Those suckers are expensive to get/creat (How about when someone XYZs you, a piece of your gear becomes deleted...just a comparison...I dont want that either)
3. Its funny, for every new fad in pvp has someone screaming NERF NERF NERF XYZ, but seriously, this is just the flavor of the month. I would rather have players figure out other creative ways to do pvp. Pets are a great way for new players to get out & explore the world with some safety. Hell, I would use pets, just to keep pks off me so I could play in peace.
4. mmm, ok, then how about allow dispel to send the attacker to jail(not jail jail, just a "stable" for agressives) for an hour then too.
5. Pets/players dont need this, you just arent thinking about the issue, the answer is actually pretty simple & straightforward.
Its been stated several times, EVO is not a PVP server, it tolerates it, but balance cant be met.
Yes, I know, you crave death, blood, mayhem, but, well....Most of us dont, its just not EVOs general mentality.