Discussion in   PVP Discussion   started     10 years ago   January 03, 2015, 01:44:21 PM   by   Evolution

Parry vs Bushido

1292 Posts
Topic :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 03, 2015, 01:44:21 PM

One of the most common questions asked by new players that want to PVP is what is better Parry or Bushido

I am not sure how to answer, so could some of the PVP gurus explain the benefits and advantages of both skills?

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Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#1 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 03, 2015, 06:23:29 PM

Did Kane change the way they interact togeter? If so, he might be the best person to answer that one. But from what i understood, parry behing capped at 240, combined to bushido at 240 ish (not certain on the numbers) you end up having a total of 75% chance of parrying. If you only have the 240 parry, your chances of evading an attack is around 45-50%. More accurate info can be found in the update logs, around the time of the 17-20th update i believe.

65 Posts
#2 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 03, 2015, 09:35:25 PM

the person i think that could explain it best would be fek since his red used a bushido/parry template to great advantage. i'll ask him to post about it the next time i talk to him.

94 Posts
#3 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 04, 2015, 11:12:41 AM

Yes, Fekel would be the one to explain this in depth. *chuckles...Fekel*

32 Posts
#4 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 04, 2015, 05:55:44 PM

I'd like to give it a go if possible.

Here goes...

Bushido gives you an excellent chance of parry. 120 Bushido and 120 Parry with a 2 handed weapon is greater than 120 Parry with a shield. BUT! There in lies the problem. Most people need the stats that a shield provides in order to stay relevant in a pvp environment. Fek was one of those rare individuals who did not need the excess stats as he was able to socket any holes he had from the loss of an item slot.

The stances in Bushido provide excellent offensive and defensive capabilities. I won't break them down here, but they are all relevant in a pvm or pvp environment here on Evo.

So far it sounds like bushido is the way to go all round if you can afford the gear, but there is one glaring weakness in the build. IF you are disarmed you lose all your weapon based offensive and defensive benefits. Thats annoying for a shield user but its double the threat to a bushido user. Suddenly he is defending his or herself with only 120 wrestling and no parry ability to negate weapon hits. Against a double strike user, that moment of disarm could easily be your death.

One of Evos greatest features is the ability for a single player to gain so much capability on a single item, but that dependency translates into a major loss if its taken away. Even momentarily.

65 Posts
#5 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 05, 2015, 12:13:53 PM


I am not sure on exact numbers but I will give the disadvantages and advantages of both.

Having bushido and parry at both 120+.
 -You get a higher chance to block melee attacks with an equipped two handed weapon (no using a shield or one handed weapon change deed)
-You get a higher chance to block melee attacks with an equipped one handed weapon and no shield equipped.
-If you ever have a shield equipped when you have above 50 bushido and 120 parry you will be hit most often by melee attacks.
- If you have 120 parry and bushido and have a weapon equipped and no shield you can have EVASION (chance to block damage type spells... there is a cooldown and I found it most effective at the beginning of a dump)
-Since you lose a shield you also most likely lose 20 hci and 20 dci (think that is stats on mirror shield) and 5 socket slots.
-I ran with parry and bushido on my pvp/pvm templete and I loved it. I had to socket more hci and dci on I believe it was my earrings and arms of the Magi.. I also wore a flame talisman instead of moon talisman for more hci/dci so in turn I had to socket FC on a piece of armor to make sure I hit my all my caps.
-It's a little more expensive and complicated to build this setup but it is totally dueable and worth it. Way more advantages and less disadvantages.

Was bugged to make this post since I don't play here. I'm not sure on exact numbers but I have tested and played with every possible scenario for parry and bushido. It is well worth it.

94 Posts
#6 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 05, 2015, 12:20:56 PM

Quote from: Chunurai
Was bugged to make this post since I don't play here. I'm not sure on exact numbers but I have tested and played with every possible scenario for parry and bushido. It is well worth it.

No body bugged you, you Fekerhead! You were asked and done it. Now zip it!  ::)

115 Posts
#7 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
10 years ago  January 05, 2015, 09:33:13 PM

*EDIT* This Post is Old Information - Search for the Parry Update instead. The parry system has been revamped

I personally run with Parry since I am too lazy to create Bushido suit - But Bushido, if built properly and used properly, is much more advantageous than parry in my opinion.

While Equipping a shield: Each point of Bushido will cancel out an equal amount of Parry. So if you have 50 Bushido and 60 Parry with a shield equipped, then your parry would effectively be:
(60-50 = 10).
So moral of the story - If you plan to run with a shield then plan on running with 0 Bushido to maximize your parry chances.

If you have Bushido without a shield you receive bonus chances to block against weapon/fist hits as fek explained wonderfully :)

42 Posts
#8 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
9 years ago  January 10, 2016, 02:45:35 PM

I saw that the parry chance formula was recently updated to only use the equipment used, but is there still an advantage of increased parry chance when using 2h weapon with bushido vs parrying with a shield?

53 Posts
#9 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
9 years ago  January 11, 2016, 03:28:05 PM

The extra bonus stats for having an item in the shield slot > the roughly 5% better chance to parry with a 2h weapon rather than a shield. Especially once your skill is so high you're rarely getting hit in either case.

5 Posts
#10 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
9 years ago  February 27, 2016, 04:30:55 PM

Does eval affect the parry chance if you stacked bushido?

44 Posts
#11 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
8 years ago  April 13, 2016, 09:48:02 PM

Am I reading this correctly.  If I have 120 Parry and 120 Bushido and use a shield...the Bushido lowers my ability to Parry??

16 Posts
#12 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
8 years ago  April 14, 2016, 11:52:52 AM

Its different here....we have a post somewhere about it.

47 Posts
#13 Re :   Parry vs Bushido
8 years ago  May 20, 2016, 09:49:20 AM

Attacker: BAS = (Combat Skill)% + (Anatomy)% + (Tactics)% + (Focus)%
Parry: BDS = (Parry)(Shield Type)% + (Tactics)% + (Focus)%
Bushido: BDS = (Bushido)(Weapon Type)% + (Tactics)% + (Focus)% Skill no longer determines if you are using parry or bushido, what does is how you are equiped.
Shield: Parry
Fist or Ranged: Nothing 1 handed or 2 handed Weapon: Bushido

High eval, like over something 160+ will lower effective parry. Not sure on exact numbers.