Discussion in   PVP Discussion   started     11 years ago   October 06, 2013, 04:30:20 PM   by   KrazyG

Mage vs Dexing.

29 Posts
Topic :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 06, 2013, 04:30:20 PM

Would Like To Start This Post With, I have been a vetren player of a year and a half. of Evolution. I have seen the up's and downsides of the PvP and Pking world here - *as i am one myself.* (This Post) is not to offend a mage dueler nor a dexing dueler.nor any staff members. but i have some concerns when it comes down to players joining the shard, just to stack skills such as (Eval Int) / (Magery) Mainly. some other skills with a *No Cap* ------ Mages will allways overpower this shard because. (statement 1) they can stack the eval to a no cap limit and do mass DPS amazing Fireballs Harms Magic Arrows Flamestrikes Explodes *other spells included* (statement 2) i have never seen another shard that has let you stack mageing PvP skill caps this way reason alot take advantage of that and only play here for the PvP system... -- i have never been a mage dueliest but i had to learn and adjust gain new skills macros hotkeys scripts and tactics / stragitys it is not hard to adjust or learn how to mage duel as i can hang with the best in game np. - just when  there is massive *DPS* Damage Per Second makes it pointless to go up against one in fel (unless he had the same dmg as you would) with the same skill level. example --- both (200-220) eval int. (Dexing) the thing about dexing pvping on Evo is cap of 150 dex and 300 HP 45/75% caps for HCI DCI 100% Reflect Phys. you can achive a 75% block rateing with your *Parry* this is from aquireing *Sockets & Augments* 260 Parry - 145 Bushido Skill. meaning you can still block the *Melee Attacking* if they are wielding a wepon. (statement 3) you have a 4.75 healing time with bandaids. (150) dex (VS) a Mage dueiest - with 200+ (Magery & Eval) who is healing 18-30 with mini heal and greater heal spells more Magery + you Have Better It does - depending on your skill lvl --- point to the post is ((( every players needs the same skill caps ))) *** On Certin Skills *** Magical Clothing Or Not. --- if i am 230 Eval Intel and another is 250 this meaning he can damage with the same spell. more then me. and also persay i am 200 magery and they are 250 - he can heal better Hmm. --- *Please* no bashing or disrespect the post!!! i would just like some imput from more so of the *Vet and PvP* players. --- Thank You All. Enjoy Your Day. ((( KrazyG )))   

336 Posts
#1 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 06, 2013, 05:18:40 PM
115 Posts
#2 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 06, 2013, 06:20:44 PM

Nice thread KrazyG.
 On a server where there is unlimited skill cap (allowing players to utilize the best of both casting and weapon use/dexxing) a pure dexxer most likely will never win against someone using the additional casting available as a supplement.
-  +Tactics acts as a damage boost for weapon damage just as +Evaluating Int. acts as a damage boost for magery damage.
-  Also if you can use both Bandages and Casting Healing - you should be using both to get the most out of healing. Buffing bandage times would buff a caster just as much as a dexxer - remember that.
        -> Yes you can stack +magery for small increases on healing, but the same goes for bandages and the healing skill as well. (Both are available, both should be used anyways.) So this magery bonus healing also benefits a dexxer.
        -> You also said 18-30 with mini-heal but those are NOT accurate values. At 230 Magery Mini heals heal for 19-21 rather than 16-18 at 175 Magery. So 55 magery = +3 healing on mini heals.
-  Very few people currently are at the 60% parry chance cap. Stacking bushido to get the additional parry has its consequences - you lose those armor slots to Bushido. Making it harder to stack other +skills.

29 Posts
#3 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 06, 2013, 06:48:47 PM

i agree Escobar there is many ways to utilaize many skills and abbilitys on this shard. and its about how you socket your gear set up and wepons --- but when it comes to raw damage and healing spells from mageing when haveing the top end 200+ it also makes *mage PvPing* not equal in ways. example - if a player has 230-Eval int VS one with 260 -- the 260 will allways win cause his DPS spells do more *in theory* --- as for dexing and meleeing fighting is very similure with the *Parry and Sordsmenship*

Crimson Reign
10 Posts
#4 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 07, 2013, 02:25:11 AM

*Example a player with 230 Eval Int Vs one with 260 -- the 260 will always win cause of his dps spells do more*

This is not accurate. Your personal Skill level determines victory. Pumpkin has roughly 200 Eval, I have 260. And he schools me every fight.

Example - I had 180 Eval Int, And i made you take a dirt nap.

In Conclusion, Even capped at 150 Eval, I Highly doubt it would make a difference in PvP, And you would just move on to say, Well Now Bandages need a nerf, Or Hit chance needs a nerf, Etc.

29 Posts
#5 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 07, 2013, 10:44:10 PM

this is not true - because fact #1 every player has the same raw spell cap in pvp 45% right.??

Fact #2 -- Eval Intel Boosts dmgout put, from spells like *harm* magic arrow fireball flamestrike is doing more DMG then the normal player A with 200 Eval skill VS Player B with 220 -- so the mecanics is not equal mage dueling. both the same castspeed - with *NOT* the same DPS and damage (RGN). 

Fact #3 Dexing is all equal cents of balance -- all can get 5 sockets massive Parry Healing Anatomy -- Triple Slash -- Spike Shield -- Lvl 100 PvP wepons 150 Dex -- Max HP 300 *other caps included* *for all types of builds* Mageing included.

Fact #4 How is it fair for players to obtain 200+ // 260+ Eval Intel just to be able to run macros and script casting *hotkeys* and destroying dexing / melee PvPers with a 300 HP cap. and hitting them with spells for differnt ammount of (RGN) then persay player with the same skill ammount in Eval Int.

fact #5 there needs to be a bigger delay on some spells!!!.

230 Posts
#6 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 07, 2013, 11:27:28 PM

all can get 5 sockets massive Parry Healing Anatomy -- Triple Slash -- Spike Shield -- Lvl 100 PvP wepons 150 Dex -- Max HP 300
...and all can get +eval int gear? Why, yes. Not that long ago people were complaining that everyone wore a mirror shield, a Vecna, a genesis, Magi chest, and those were the only items worth using. Cookie cutter gear choices. To get to the extreme high end of eval, people have to sacrifice gear slots here and there.

Variation in peoples' gear, something that was requested.

People are swinging triple slash 20-30 (!) base damage samurai swords with 100% (!) harm and possibly two other hit spells. People who have this out of this world 260 eval int are holding spells books instead of taking advantage of going hybrid with a weapon. They are sacrificing that huge amount of extra damage from such a weapon. They are using their 120 wrestling against your easily 150+ swords and cannot dodge nearly as often were they using their weapon skill instead.

143 Posts
#7 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 07, 2013, 11:53:15 PM

I have been playing uo for far longer than i care to admit. During this time i have seen pvp balances come and go. I have seen a skill get nerfed only to be reinstated to its original state years later. During this time period I learned something. Pvp balances mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. Take harm for instance. I roll with 155 eval and 180 swords. I cast very fast and i am hard to hit. Back in May I dropped a player with 240 eval and we both used a harm spam during this fight. How did I beat him? Simple. I timed my harm spam so that it fizzled his and before he realized what was happening he was almost dead. I nox locked him and then finished him off with a combo of death strike and pain spike. My point is, that it doesn't matter if the spell damage is altered. Player Skill and proper timing will beat in game skill constantly. You always have to have a plan and be flexible enough to adjust that plan based on your opponents play style. What it boils down to is that you need to find a play style that works for you. I could list all the skills out for you that could be taken advantage of besides Magery and Eval, but I'd anger the gods in doing so. The fact remains that magery and eval are not the definative end all and over powered skills you all make them out to be. They only seem that way because a couple of mages are wrecking shop right now. There are ways to beat them. What everyone seems to forget is that you have every skill under the rainbow to choose from. START USING THEM. If you are dying everytime you pvp then you definately don't need to be on a forum. You need to be out there getting harm spammed and learning how to fight it. There are far meaner pvpers in the world than Pumpkin Escobar and Crimson Reign, I assure you. Take advantage of their kindness and go fight them. If you are dying now then you will continue to die, and no amount of balancing is going to change that. The only thing that can change the outcome of a fight is YOU. I have fought alot of people in this past year and with every fight I got stronger. Not from in game skill, but from field experience. You learn absolutely nothing from winning, but in defeat you gain wisdom. I wish you all the best of luck. -Soulsunder

730 Posts
#8 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 08, 2013, 03:26:26 PM

Soulsender I agree with you on everything but one point.

  You can learn from winning, however if all you do is win, eventually you can learn nothing more.

  +1 Soul

143 Posts
#9 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 09, 2013, 11:35:04 AM

Thats a great point Sturger. I guess it could be said that you learn more and gain more motivation from losing? Also I'd like to point out that my post does seem a bit accusatory and was written after reading several other threads on this very topic. In no way was it directed specifically towards KG. During I*D's peak KG was the only person who consistently showed up to fight us in pvp. Even against overwhelming odds. I am referencing the entire server in my post, not just him. We all could do with a little more motivation to fight.

I'd also like to add that to most pvpers we don't consider you to be a sub par player just from losing to us. It just means you aren't at our level yet. We were all new to pvp at some point and time. We talk trash. We talk big. Its mostly just for show. Its about fun not domination. I*D started as a role playing guild and turned into a hard core pvp guild by accident. We are currently trying to get back to the RP aspect of our guild. Point is, we took dominance to a whole new level, and it meant absolutely nothing to us. We still talked to the little guys and helped people out.

Don't let your emotions get the better of you and I'll see you in the field. -Soulsunder

21 Posts
#10 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 15, 2013, 03:20:58 PM

 Mages will always have the upper hand over dexers for the simple fact that mages can supplement their damage output of spell casting with the same types of lvl 100 weapons that dexers use whilst also having the same skill/stat levels (120 tact/anat and 150 capped str/dex.)  Likewise a mage will use the same amount/speed of bandage healing (120 anat/healing 150dex) as a dexer.

The only way for a pure dexer to counter a mage currently is to stack +weapon clothing the same way mages are stacking +eval items.  The way the formula is currently, if you have +70 or more weapon skill than the opponent you have 100% chance to hit them and they have a 25% chance to hit you (not including parry.)  Also bear in mind if your attack is parried, your hit spells still damage the target and are not “parry-able,” thus this damage greatly affects a mages ability to output damage as well as heal since they will be fizzled on their spells, and their bandages will be “interrupted” and heal for less. 

Though I agree with a lot of what is said, I think the one way to reduce the effectiveness of a mage and increase the effectiveness of a dexer is to allow a hard-cap for eval when a player has a weapon in hand (thus forcing mages to play more “pure” mage and use a spell book and not some highly effective lvl 100 wep.)   The flaw with this idea of course is mages will continue to use weapons and wear the hard eval cap amount and just wear +weapon clothes to replace eval clothing.  Another possible solution is to allow spiked shield defense only wearable for characters with min 200+ weapon skill.  This will deter mages from using highly effecting damaging weps as well as removing the fear of dexers for hitting “themselves” with 150+ hits from the reflect (yes the amount is accurate: in sparring for fun I hit a MAGE friend and killed them by accidently because I reflected 179 damage back to them and killed them when they were more than  1 / 2 hp.) 

This all goes back to my idea of having level-able spell books for mages in that people who primarily rely on casting will have an incentive to play with a spell book in hand vs an artifact level weapon.

There is no easy solution, but there have been certain changes that have been very positive for pvp so far (the changes Kyn’s made for the damage of certain fast/hard hitting spells.)  I think a further step that might be taken is to lower the damage even more of quick casting spells while increasing the damage of slower casting spells, thus allowing the risk of casting a long spell is rewarded instead of players just harm/fireball spam. 
From personal experience I have stopped using my lvl 100 socketed artifact sammy kat in exchange for a lvl 100 non-socketed cleaver - it’s exceedingly effective and a little unfair since I am utilizing the abilities of a dexer while being an eval-stacking mage.  I would be all in favor of either my spells being changed in damage to accommodate bigger casts to damage more than small casts, my eval being hard-capped if I use a weapon in hand, or altering the requirements for spiked shield to “draw a line” in the sand of determining if a player will pvp more as a dexer or mage.  I don’t expect ANY of these changes, nor am I making an outcry for them; I’m simply trying to provide some possible solution for the dexer vs mage conundrum that this topic brought up.  Would be nice to see dexers back on the map (not to the point they were when casting was super slow and ppl spammed trip strike for 120 with Zelda weps.)

Thank you for your time! 

5 Posts
#11 Re :   Mage vs Dexing.
11 years ago  October 22, 2013, 03:45:08 AM

very nice Pidgy.im missing the dexxter alot since ive been one all the ages back ive been playing UO.i hope they can figure something out .