very nice ideas by all!
I see some problems though arising from the whole forcing the hand of making a dexer a dexer or mage a mage based on using things like "if eval > 150, then sdi % is capped at x, else sdi cap is y" or "if wep skill >200 and eval < 200 then hci cap is z." Though in principal these ideas are fantastic, it would be very difficult to "tune."
]My suggestions would be as follows:
cap spiked shield to 100% damage reflect
EITHER (not both) make paralyzing fear 2 second duration OR make it so you cannot para the same target within 10 seconds (similar to how para blow works when you get the response 'your target resists paralysis').
With all that being said these are the MAJOR changes that would be easy to implement:
"PURE MAGE" equiping no shield and no weapon (spell book doesn't count) the player gets 4/6 capped casting. They have very little defense but are monsters with damage output and healing throughput. Their problem is they will nearly always get hit since they have 0 parry, rely on 120ish "wep" (wrestling) skill, and very low HCI/DCI because of their shield loss.
"PARRY MAGE": equiping a shield and no weapon (spell book doesn't count) the player gets 3/6 capped casting. They have good defensive skills by being able to use spike shield and reflect, however for damage and healing output they would be less than the PURE MAGE because of the casting speed cap.
"BUSHIDO MAGE/DEXER" equiping no shield and a weapon (one handed or two handed) the player gets 3/6 capped casting. These are similar to parry mages in their casting cap but they cannot use spike shield for defense BUT they still can parry because of bushido and also they can EVADE spells. They lose a lot of hci/dci from losing their shield. They can rely on spell casting though not as good as PURE MAGE but they can defend against them better than PARRY MAGE because of their evasion from bushido. They have VERY strong offense with their weapon, their ability to avoid incoming damage for 6 seconds every 14 seconds, and they can use parafear/trip strike.
"PARRY DEXER" equiping a shield and a wep the player the player gets 2/6 casting. These dexers are powerful in that they have good defense vs other dexers or bushi dexers because they can parry hits, use spiked shield and also can parafear/trip strike. Though they cannot evade they still have 2/6 casting which is adequate enough to min heal spam. VS a PURE MAGE they would be very strong meanwhile being able to parry incomming attacks from players with weps and reflect damage back.
ALL of these "templates" are interchangeable even ON THE FIELD! That would make for exciting fights I think trying to counter the player(s) you're fighting by changing your template strat, and having them counter-adjust.
PURE MAGE: very high damage and GOOD vs parry mages since they have faster casting and parry mages cannot evade. They will be OK vs parry dexer because their fast casting will sustain their damage but they will fizzle a lot from getting hit all the time. They would be OK vs bushi mage/dexer because their damage will be evaded and they will get hit a lot from weps fizzling them.
PARRY MAGE: very good damage because of the casting speed and good defense from being able to reflect weapon damage, though not as good at damage as pure mage and not as good at defending against mages because no evasion. They would be OK vs bushi mage/dexer and GOOD vs parry dexer and BAD vs pure mages. Half offense, half defense. a strong choice in that in can counter bushi mage/dexer and parry dexer with their shield and ability to reflect, however they are limited to not being able to use parafear/trip strike weps to help sustain their offensive abilities.
BUSHI MAGE/DEXER :also good damage because of casting speed supplemented by ability to parafear/trip strike with weapon. Their defense wouldn't be as good as a parry mage since it cannot reflect damage BUT they can evade incomming damage from parry mage caster, other bushi mage/dexers, and pure mages. Would be GOOD vs pure mages, OK against parry mages and OK vs parry dexers.
PARRY DEXER: good damage control with ability to parafear/trip strike with weps and reflect back damage of enemies with weps. They will be GOOD vs pure mage since they can hit them all the time with their wep and fizzle them, they will be OK vs bushi mage/dexer since they can use parafear/trip strike and also reflect the incoming wep damage. They will be OK vs parry mage.
I think this idea might be kinda cool since players can "change" their template ON THE FIELD based on the player(s) they are fighting to get a better counter-comp going. Likewise the other players will have to readjust and adapt to a player that recently popped off a shield but is using a wep now to evade the damage. Could be for fun on-the-spot swaps of templates. The only difficult "swap" would be the bushido part but then again maybe we will all be allowed to use soul stones.
All of these are just theories and taking into account players with (near) maxed stats and skills and good weps/augments/skill clothing. All of these seem viable and each seem to have good CORE strengths and weaknesses. The two "extremes" seem to counter each other naturally: 4/6 mage casting that will be hit all day with wep vs 2/6 dexer but still can die easily if caught off guard. The "middle" templates are interesting because they have high sustained mage casting damage with 3/6 casting but both have unique defense/offense abilities. One uses a shield for max hci/dci and reflecting damage while the other lacks hci/dci but can parafear and evade spells.
FOR INSTANCE: before the huge server revert, Cal-El and I would mess around and he could kill me in mere seconds if i played with no shield on if I made a mistake, but WITH a shield it was much easier to survive. Image the possibilities of players trying to counter their enemy's template then only to find their enemy switched their template to counter theirs! the HUGE DOWN SIDE would be too much item-swapping every time a player ran off screen to equip/unequip something new. That would be very tedious but I think the upsides are higher than the downsides.
If those cast times are too extreme maybe it could be 3/6 (casting time of most damage spells before revert), 2/6 (current casting time) and 1/6. Heck, you maybe wouldn't even need that 4th "class" to have 1/6 casting so long as the defenseless pure mage has huge damage output to make up for the 0 defensive qualities.
Sorry if it's tough to read, I usually think my posts out before hand, I just put fingers to keyboard and let it flow without much though for editing. If there is interest in this i could maybe one day do some of the math on damage-per-second of the cast times with the spells vs dps of weps, vs the ability to "avoid damage" (evasion 6 sec duration every 14 sec) or (parry/reflecting damage) etc!!