Discussion in   Off Topic   started     9 years ago   May 27, 2015, 09:55:05 AM   by   Evolution

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long when...

1292 Posts
Topic :   You know you been playing Ultima Online to long when...
9 years ago  May 27, 2015, 09:55:05 AM

I had a player send me this last month and wanted to share the laugh:)

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long when you step out of bed in the morning, yell "Kal Ort Por" and expect to be at work in a few seconds...

You know you been playing UO to long when your driving down the road, and your car goes into the ditch, and you yell out for a GM to come get your steed unstuck...

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long, when you walk into a grocery store and expect someone to appear beside you when you say Vendor Buy...

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long, when you see your son get hurt, and you say In Mani, and expect the wound to suddenly close...

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long, when you see someone attack someone else and you yell out for the guards....

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long, when you call up your friends and tell them that you will be over in a second and yell out Kal Ort Por and expect to be over there suddenly...

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long, when you yell "GUARDS!" at someone who just commited a criminal action....

You know you been playing Ultima Online to long, when you actually see the names of people above their heads.... *Please see a pyschiatrist* 
You know you have been playing UO to long when: You move into a new apt. and try to lock down the furniture.

You know you have been playing UO to long when: You refer to the doctor as your healer.

When you find yourself hanging around outside the bank of your nearest major city.

when you find yourself yelling bank at the atm

I once looked at a potted plant and wondered if it was a rare.  Seriously

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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108 Posts
#1 Re :   You know you been playing Ultima Online to long when...
9 years ago  June 02, 2015, 11:48:23 AM

When you look a fork and wonder "what's its HCI/DCI stats".

After eating you announce to what level of fullness you have achieved. "I have ate the food, and begin to feel more satiated."

When you use the in-game pet commands, on your actual pet and repeat them twice because you're not sure of your taming/lore skills. "all stay. all stay"

You then say [allkill when your pet does not listen. But it's okay because you have had them longer than a week and they are now bonded.

When you poke someone in the head two times an expect a character paperdoll window with all their equipment to open.

When you try to fit something incredibly large into a smaller bag and wonder why your bag of holding isn't working.

When you stick a shot glass to the side of a horse and wonder why you are not getting a good mimic sample... probably not enough luck.

You dye every article of your clothing the exact same color.

Wearing as much clothing as possible, you try to sneak around in hopes to get better gain rates to your stealth.

-I'll add more when I have some time to think, these were all off the top of my head.

116 Posts
#2 Re :   You know you been playing Ultima Online to long when...
9 years ago  June 02, 2015, 04:40:13 PM

i love the dye and the double-click ones.  They made me giggle a bit :D