Hey there. First I want you all to know, I love this Shard. It is real fun playing and I want to continue this, as long as possible.
I have a little problem though (my own stupidity). There is a token ledger you get, when you first start playing the game.
And there was this fancy "white bag", were I wanted to put some things. As you may know, the white Bag is a trash bag, which not allows me, to get my things back, like other trash cans in the world.
I paged about this and the GM told me, I may get one back, after donating and pay with ED.
I have no problem to spend some money, when I have fun playing. Unfortunately, I didn´t find a token-ledger to buy (a 120 power-scroll is fine too, so I took one ).
Are there any other possibilities to get the token-ledger back? Or do I have to create another account and delete the old one?
Thanks for any help and advice. SKOAL TO ALL FELLOW SWORDMEN!
P.S. Without the token ledger, it seems that I don´t get any tokens. Could that be?