Twas a beautiful clear morning, a bit balmy but it was yet early. I had traveled to Bucs Den when I came across a dock with a lovely fish cleaning station. Realising how long it had been since I tasted truly fresh fish, I got a hankering to learn how to fish so I could have some whenever I wished.
I promptly purchased a fishing pole and started casting from that very dock. By the evening, I was not only catching large fish and assorted footwear, but so delighted with my success, I bought a small boat and cast off.
I was delighted to come across sea monsters, for almost every one held treasure. My pack soon over filled with messages in bottles and special fishing nets. I hunted them down and discovered sunken treasure! Paintings, shells and chests filled with magic cloth deeds and a fortune in gold.
I also have enjoyed the company of a wild seahorse and dolphin who seem to have taken up residence on deck. Fishing is a skill I would recommend to any of ye.