Hello people!
I have a question about the script, i can get it to run correctly, but i have no idea how to make ut use the enchanted shovel here. Itll only recognize the regular shovel.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Would really appreciate it.
Finally got it to work. If anyone else wants it to ignore shovel count:
GoSub DragAnyItem %DiggingTools #true %_uabSecureId 1 %BackpackId #false
If %return = NoneFound
; {
; If %UseTinkering
; goto _uabBreakShovelLoop
; Display YesNo Could not find any shovels at the top of your bank/secure container.$
; +You won't be able to continue without more.$$
; +Would you like to have 15 seconds to place shovels where script can find them?
; If #DispRes = No
; Halt
; Wait 15s
; }
; Goto _uabShovelLoop
just comment out those lines and itll ignore it.
Question though. With the unmodified script, i had 2 shovels in my backpack but yet it still pauses me when i leave ore in my secure box. I thought it would ignore that if i had a minimum of 2 shovels in my backpack? Or does it always want to craft shovels anyways?=