Discussion in   Help!   started     11 years ago   September 09, 2013, 10:47:47 PM   by   SinShadow

Newbie questions.

1 Posts
Topic :   Newbie questions.
11 years ago  September 09, 2013, 10:47:47 PM

Played here a year or so ago, am back and have a few quick questions, what did you all do to raise provoking quickly? And where might some of the easier to acquire artys come from? Thanks! Any tips are helpful :)


48 Posts
#1 Re :   Newbie questions.
11 years ago  September 10, 2013, 09:31:37 AM

For me provoking just took some time to get up.  As for artifacts they are a random drop on most mobs, the tougher the mob the better chance you have of getting on. Also luck plays a role in this, if you can raise your luck you will have a better chance. Also you can look around for paragon mobs, they seem to have a better chance of dropping artifacts.

166 Posts
#2 Re :   Newbie questions.
11 years ago  September 10, 2013, 09:58:46 AM

There's lots of ways to get Provo to GM in a quick night of macros.  Personally, I trapped two Drakes in my house.  Tame a drake, walk to the corner of a room, lay down small crates to block its exit, and then release it.  Do the same for another drake, and then let the Provocation begin!

If you do not have a house, this can be accomplished with two small boats.  I use a small port or river, like the one found in Buc's Den to easily get the animals on board.

Hope this helps!

238 Posts
#3 Re :   Newbie questions.
11 years ago  September 10, 2013, 10:56:47 AM

use the [grab -t command. remove all the generic items from the loot list. go to the museum and lord british castle display rooms (both accessed from public gate). add everything you can/want. if you have any trusting friends ask them if they can hand you any cool items for a second, to add as well.  make a macro that says [grab. hit up a champ spawn and watch it rain. also check the magi dragon often. hes in the bottom of destard felucca. part of a quest for magi armor which you want to start collecting ASAP. if you do not suffer from ADD you can go grind doom for hours and collect doom scrolls (bring a bow and bandies). there is a set of custom doom armor that is high end. astro demon armor quest is available near labyrinth. there is clear direction on how to get there if you search these forums a bit. all of these areas are possible with trained skills and a decent pet. ( i prefer a max lvl 30+ cu sidhe).

do what norton said in the previous post. i believe that would be the best way

73 Posts
#4 Re :   Newbie questions.
11 years ago  October 01, 2013, 12:02:17 PM