1. This: " transform my BritDragon Cloak in a Ultima Quiver Style-how it called" Is called "Change Item ID". Its a service provided by our GMs. You can only change an item to another that uses the same item slot. To learn which is for what slot use this page:
Then, to be 100% sure your getting the right item ID, have one in your backpack with the item you wish to change, to show the GMs what you want it to be (not necessary, but helps with some language issues). Then open your paperdoll, use the help>other>other & request the ItemID change with the appropriate ED amount (I think its 100, but Im not sure, check wiki>Donations)
2. This: "-Befor 10y when i play last time activ UO i have a other coor for the backpack and the journal". I assume you meant color, for coor, if this is the case, yes you can do this, but we dont tell you how to do this, you will have to go & do it on your own (Evo takes no responsibility of any altering of any gamefile on your PC, except the ones they suggest you download to connect to EVOs UO...ie Client.
3. To make sure all info is covered, Evo will not tolerate any altered DATA STREAM, this is when & how the information is sent & received with your UOClient, most people dont know how to do this, so Im sure you didnt intend to do this, but I had to be clear, so your not made sad by not being properly informed.
4. The white tile from trying to get rid of vendor on your home problem. You will have to "Page a GM" by Paperdoll>help>other>other, then explain your problem: "Crap, have a white tile from dismissing a vendor, please help me & remove it? Thank you!"
I am sorry for so many words, I hope I didnt add to your confusion & I hope that I did help you. Evo is full of many languages, Welcome! Join NEW, to get the best help for your new beginning!