1. Depending on your bowyery/fletching skill, check uo.stratics.com/content/skills/bowcraft.php to determine what to make. It is a lovely skill calculator for raising bow craft.
2. Create one macro to craft a single bow.
3. Create one script feature to organize where the created bow(s) will go, container wise. If you plan on filling BoD's I suggest securing a container in your house for placement of crafted bows, ect. If you are planning on junking the crafted items, I suggest setting the end container as your token trash bag.
4. Create keyboard buttons-- often called hotkeys-- for your macro's/scripts--- do not forget that in most 3rd party program Add-On's you can stop a macro/script by hitting the hotkey button again.
5. Time to test those macro's out, and trouble shoot any issues
::Additional Notice::
When creating an organizer script the finish product is being able to bring one item from container A and drag it into container B. You will need to add items to be moved-- from and too-- create a hotkey for the script, and choose container A and B, before you can use the organizer script successfully.
In order to change the item being created you will need to make a new macro; but the organizer script you created only needs the new item-- you wish to craft-- added to its list for it to work properly.
Also, for more help with this just PM in game.
Hope this helps you,