Discussion in   General Discussions   started     9 years ago   January 02, 2016, 10:01:42 PM   by   Evolution

Why do people play Ultima Online?

1290 Posts
Topic :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 02, 2016, 10:01:42 PM

Why do people play Ultima Online?

The answers to this are, of course, complicated. Consider the disposition of at least four broad categories of players.

Socializers enjoy talking and role-playing with other players. For them, the game is merely a setting; goods and services are just tools which help provide mood and context in role-playing.

Killers enjoy doing things to people. The game provides a world where their actions are legitimized. The goods and services available in the economy are tools used to increase their power and skill.

Achievers are interested in fame and glory. They want to achieve the highest status or overcome the latest challenge. The economy may not only provide needed goods and services to an achiever, but also provide goals such as becoming the richest character or owning the largest house.

Explorers want to discover the finer points of the game. They will explore every profession, skill, and items. To explorers, the economy is an impediment which prevents them from playing with all the toys.

Which one are you?

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

Schuyler Bain
140 Posts
#1 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 02, 2016, 10:57:10 PM


92 Posts
#2 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 03:52:31 AM


116 Posts
#3 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 09:08:29 AM

Socially exploring overachiever?

- Reside

53 Posts
#4 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 10:51:57 AM

I play for at least two other not listed reasons but within those choices I'm an achiever and explorer

What are the other reasons you play? I'm really interested to know the details, so when we design new content, we really know what people want:)

31 Posts
#5 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 10:52:12 AM


1290 Posts
#6 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 11:34:58 AM

Back in the day, I was definitely the over-achiever!

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

Website - http://www.uoevolution.com

Forum - http://www.uoevo.com/forum

Wiki - http://www.uoevo.com/wiki

Discord - http://www.discord.gg/JwEBhPH

117 Posts
#7 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 02:33:44 PM

explorer 60% achiever 40%

53 Posts
#8 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 03:27:12 PM

What are the other reasons you play? I'm really interested to know the details, so when we design new content, we really know what people want:)

Thank you! :D First and foremost I play to unwind from daily stress. Would that be an Escapist? lol  i.e. Don't talk to me about bills, can't you see I'm killing ogres??

Besides that I'm definitely a Completionist... I want to "Collect them all!" and have one of everything. I think there are a lot of obsessive collectors in alot of online games and the large number of rares and special items on Evolution greatly appeals to that greedy side of me. ☺

Yes when I was younger, I used this game for stress relief...kind of like therapy!

75 Posts
#9 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 03:56:29 PM

I'm an achiever. I strive for only the best and most complete sets of collections. I want one of everything from semi-rare to 5000ed armor sets. I want to be able to conquer all aspects of the game. I look for companionship in my guild so we may strive for greatness and glory together!

730 Posts
#10 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 03, 2016, 04:07:02 PM

 I am all four, but that comes with the 11+ years of playing on OSI servers and the handful of years on Free shards, like EVO.

  I like a challenge, and UO has never run out of challenges to complete. Bank sitting used to be the thing to do between dungeon delveing back in the day. Everyone once in awhile a bank sitting friend would find themselves stuck in a dungeon surrounded by Reds; so I'd go off and kill PK's. But mostly there is nothing as sweet as getting your 7th and final Grand master on an OSI shard. That's when the game begins.

  New content, new dungeons, new friends, and a place to bank sit or pretend to be batman... count me in.

Irish John
7 Posts
#11 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 08, 2016, 06:12:57 AM


I'd have to add collector to this as well.

2 Posts
#12 Re :   Why do people play Ultima Online?
9 years ago  January 16, 2016, 12:58:24 AM

You forgot Hoarder.  I export my need to collect things to video games.

LOL yes we have a lot of those players online!